Friday, October 09, 2009


JSH: Full picture on search results with my research

Some posters have spent time trying to argue against various Google searches that pull up my math research highly where I've been emphasizing my own curiosity about the high ranking in search results of research that has relevance to physicists using binary quadratic Diophantine equations.

But Usenet posters have ignored the full picture as another interesting search result is the following.

Google: james harris

Yup, a search on my name, which when I do it now pulls up a page, a hate page AGAINST my research at #20.

Some Usenet posters seem intent on trying to convince me that Google is merely giving me back searches that I want. I can assure you I'd rather NOT see a page insulting me.

Now I'm used to being in the top 10 with my research, while my own name barely cracks the top 20, and it's to a hate web site ATTACKING me.

Turns out I can't find ANY of my own pages, like to my math blog, in the top 100 when I search on my own name.

The world seems to have accepted the negative assessment of the Usenet poster Erik Max Francis, based on Google search results.

But I remind about all my #1 positions with other searches, like:

define mathematical proof tautological spaces solving binary quadratic Diophantine equations prime number compression

And my research is in the top 10, with quite a few others of which I'll just give a few:

mymath spherical packing problem solving quadratic residues

In taking over the #1 positions, or positions in the top 10 I routinely displace the Wikipedia and MathWorld, and of course legions of mathematicians around the world, who are not even close. By Google searches, my competition IS the Wikipedia and MathWorld, and not any individual mathematicians. I'm like an institution, all by myself.

So by THAT measure my math research is some of the best in the world, and routinely beats out the rest of the world, and based on Usenet experiments that is a search reality for people around the world.

So my math is a world resource, and my math blog is increasingly one of the world's math references—according to Google search results.

And I have Google Analytics data about hits to my math blog, which has been visited so far this year by people from over 100 countries. My country counts are like that of an institution. It's like I'm a small university—all by myself.

(The pattern of hits from around the world that I see in Google Analytics matches the pattern of Google search results themselves around the world—the pattern of usage of Google itself—so I can see from my own hits where people use the Internet the most!!!)

So what gives? How can the world accept me as a crank, and my research as often the best in the world?

The answer I hypothesize has to do with how people decide to rate a person highly or not, which is a group effect, which I've now proven is IRRELEVANT to what a person has actually accomplished but is TOTALLY ABOUT what people believe a person has accomplished.

The page I believe is a fascinatingly powerful social transistor, telling people around the world to dismiss me, as a person. Without positives from expected sources, it rules supreme—in negative assessments of me.

So yes, Usenet posters DO have an impact when they insult you. The insults actually work to drive down other people's opinion of you! You, as a person.

But my math research just does things. If people try it, it works. And like, my definition of mathematical proof is clearly just a really good definition. So over time because my ideas are the best they take their proper position as revealed by Google search results. But because accolades are a social function dependent on people saying nice things about you, and all there is, is that hate page from by Erik Max Francis, I end up with the negative assessment.

So the idea take their proper place based on their actual worth, and Usenet posters have NO IMPACT on that pickup around the world. Insults on Usenet simply attack the person, not the research.

If my theory is correct then it is probably the way it works across the board and you are dependent on your society in ways you probably never quite realized. One example that helps the theory is Dr. Halton Arp, one of the most distinguished physicists in the field of astronomy, who is also known as a crackpot in the field. I think he's probably the best case for the theory as he is an established researcher and the insult parade against some of his ideas is so clear, as well as how effective it is.

His funding dried up in the United States and he had to go to Germany to get telescope time if I remember correctly. So one of America's most distinguished scientists was pushed out of his OWN COUNTRY by insults.

To put this result in perspective, any of you could be turned into a "crackpot" by a simple majority of people in your field, at will.

And they don't have to be right! They just have to feel a social need to break you down.

None of you are immune. The effect I'm studying is very easily switched on, and very difficult to switch off.

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