Saturday, July 25, 2009


JSH: Break in the wall

Sometimes people will ask why don't I just send papers to journals, and the answer is, I've done that. I even had one paper published and then retracted by the editors. I've contacted mathematicians directly mostly by email and even went back to my alma mater Vanderbilt University and talked to one directly.

Now then, the claim by those disagreeing with me is that I'm wrong, or my research isn't that important, and if you accept that mathematicians WOULD pick up on something important, then you'd accept that I'm simply refusing to accept reality.

For me that puts me in a fascinatingly difficult position, as mathematicians can just sit back, do nothing, and the standard opinion then is that my research is not important BECAUSE they do so, which gives me a conundrum.

There is a wall of silence. For most mathematicians, even if they find out I'm right, they may feel they can simply do nothing, and hope that nothing changes.

Recently though I've been pondering what may be a break in the wall.

Data from Google Analytics about hits to my math blog indicate various directions to world interest and show that the ideas are traveling. If you presume that there is active hostility in math circles against my research, then the pattern fits well.

People are going around mathematicians anyway, and that is proceeding slowly but it is worldwide.

I'm conducting an experiment on these two newsgroups around the top draw right now, to get some sense of what it may mean.

There are a lot of reasons I think why solving quadratic residues would be a big draw around the world, some of them kind of scary.

You see that research is a product of my factoring research which posters have gone out of their way to dismiss.

If the world is pulling it though, then that research may burst forward against very active mathematical resistance, breaking through it with a great deal of force.

Or not. The question then—but does it work?—is a critical one.

As if it DOES work well enough to pull world attention against active resistance from the mathematical community, then the likely outcome could be dramatic as a great deal of force, you could say, is involved.

So that is the open question. Posters can claim it's not open, but I'm looking at data that says it is.

People can say all kinds of things, so it's a big deal for me if there is evidence indicating that the wall is being breached.

And a big deal for people invested in that not happening, so it's kind of interesting to watch that play out as the back story to some recent threads.

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