Monday, June 30, 2008
JSH: Measuring newsgroup impact
Now that I'm winding down from new math research I'm focusing more on side details like measuring the impact of posts on the newsgroups on things like statistics of hit counts on my math blog, and I thought it worth sharing some of the information.
For instance, in the past 6 months according to Google Analytics my math blog has hits from 80 countries, though the bulk of the hits come from Great Britain, with the city giving the most hits being London.
According to Google Analytics, the hits coming from what I'll call hostile sources, being the website and newsgroups through are 10.12% of the total, where has 6.02% and has 4.10% which is invaluable information to me because it has shown me that hostile posts here have nominal impact in terms of actually driving people from links on negative sources to my math blog.
Which is why I'm posting as I think it's a hoot.
Hostile posters who I've seen at times making it a point to link to negative sites have had a nominal impact based on the evidence I have available, and thankfully, is a non-force in terms of hit counts.
The hate page is not getting the attention I'm sure it's creator intended, so now it's more of a humorous thing to me to note that and consider what it means about the Internet and how interest is drawn or not drawn by particular tactics.
On a side note, I continue to use search results from the major search engines to gain some sense of my overall worldwide influence, and as it has every year, it is growing.
I now consider the academic journal process to be irrelevant to my needs and it is no longer necessary for me to even consider publication in any math journal at any level.
I can simply go direct, publishing as I choose, what I choose, when I choose.
[A reply to someone who wrote that everybody should be allowed to publish trash, and that James provides the perfect example.]
So does a lot of math society…
You people don't get it yet, eh?
I go around you, and over time prove to people I'm right, then it's not just fun and games in math academia any more.
And now I can go around you.
That's the message.
Yes, it's taking a little time, but if in a couple of years it's over, then what?
When you can't publish the same old stuff through the same old channels. When the Internet is chasing down every bit of wrong math that mathematicians push—no matter what their degree or their status in the community.
When the funding, stops.
Remember, my end goal is the same: remove your public financing.
Then you can come here and chatter all you want, but you will not be paid with taxpayer dollars and I don't care if you believe it or not, but the message to undergrads is, you may get your degree, get into a great program and find you do not have any money.
Some of you may graduate just in time to have no money available.
For instance, in the past 6 months according to Google Analytics my math blog has hits from 80 countries, though the bulk of the hits come from Great Britain, with the city giving the most hits being London.
According to Google Analytics, the hits coming from what I'll call hostile sources, being the website and newsgroups through are 10.12% of the total, where has 6.02% and has 4.10% which is invaluable information to me because it has shown me that hostile posts here have nominal impact in terms of actually driving people from links on negative sources to my math blog.
Which is why I'm posting as I think it's a hoot.
Hostile posters who I've seen at times making it a point to link to negative sites have had a nominal impact based on the evidence I have available, and thankfully, is a non-force in terms of hit counts.
The hate page is not getting the attention I'm sure it's creator intended, so now it's more of a humorous thing to me to note that and consider what it means about the Internet and how interest is drawn or not drawn by particular tactics.
On a side note, I continue to use search results from the major search engines to gain some sense of my overall worldwide influence, and as it has every year, it is growing.
I now consider the academic journal process to be irrelevant to my needs and it is no longer necessary for me to even consider publication in any math journal at any level.
I can simply go direct, publishing as I choose, what I choose, when I choose.
[A reply to someone who wrote that everybody should be allowed to publish trash, and that James provides the perfect example.]
So does a lot of math society…
You people don't get it yet, eh?
I go around you, and over time prove to people I'm right, then it's not just fun and games in math academia any more.
And now I can go around you.
That's the message.
Yes, it's taking a little time, but if in a couple of years it's over, then what?
When you can't publish the same old stuff through the same old channels. When the Internet is chasing down every bit of wrong math that mathematicians push—no matter what their degree or their status in the community.
When the funding, stops.
Remember, my end goal is the same: remove your public financing.
Then you can come here and chatter all you want, but you will not be paid with taxpayer dollars and I don't care if you believe it or not, but the message to undergrads is, you may get your degree, get into a great program and find you do not have any money.
Some of you may graduate just in time to have no money available.