Thursday, February 14, 2008


JSH: What if no one believes you?

What do any of you have if no one believes you? Or better yet, if society doesn't?

I burn credibility because I'm right.

I don't need it, but in looking at my solutions people feel that I'm right so I can go out here and burn the belief in certainty itself.

Maybe it's all shades of gray, right?

What if NO one is right?

What if all the academics really are just saying stuff, that if not verifiable could just as well be something else?

What if you people do not matter?

Who listens to you now anyway?

I took from you what you didn't even know you could lose, and now you have no way of getting it back, without even accepting that it's gone.

End goal is simple: news people will not publish "pure math" results, at all.

That is the end goal.

I talk to a lot of people behind the scenes about politics, the economy, business as I cover a lot of territory with answers that work in the real world.

And I tell people that you people lie. That academics lie. That universities have endowments that are too big, and that people doing valuable research should be able to prove it, so we should slash funds and get survival of the fittest.

We must slash funding across the board and reduce expenditures at universities and colleges around the world is the message.

And it doesn't matter what you say, as I want you to disagree with people who bring arguments to you when you don't even accept who the source is.

And that is a continual process.

It never stops.

The drumbeat to the policy makers does not end.

And when I feel like it I come here and I just make a big mess.

You people broke your own rules thinking that ended it.

But the end of it will be when I cut your funding.

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