Monday, January 21, 2008


JSH: What are you people?

Can someone explain to me how nothing matters at all with you people?

One of the simplest algebraic proofs in mathematical history solves the factoring problem, and you have independent validation from someone other than me, but still some of you misinterpret the results and insult me, while the rest of you are quiet, as always.

I wondered for a while if some alien species had taken over the planet and sought to end the future of the human race by keeping it from getting its math right, but I've recently concluded that many of you just have no clue what mathematics is.

To you it's a style, and agreement, and lots of results from the "smart people" as determined by some vague rules who tell you what to think.

And God help anyone you don't like, as you'll reject anything they discover, which is like diamond merchants looking the prospector up and down and rejecting a HUGE major diamond because they don't like the guy.

The only conclusion available is that most of you do not do any real mathematics.

You're playing pretend. And I've come to that conclusion repeatedly as I've confronted you through the years and considered your stranglehold on the current mathematical field.

The mathematical field has been taken over by actors pretending to be mathematicians.

That is the only conclusion available at this point. I am sure there are some people out there doing real mathematics, and I feel sorry for them, because the field is clearly dominated by the bulk of you who are not. And you are some vicious, nasty people who think that telling a person they're insane is just a normal way to do business.

You are quite capable of being very vicious to get what you want. So you dominate the poor people who actually do real mathematics who are the sad minority among you.

Insults are what you do because that is who you are. There is nothing more to you.

You have nothing without belief against mathematical proof.

It's like if arsonists took over the fire station pretending to be firefighters.

[A reply to someone who wrote that James likes to be insulted.]

Nope. I have multiple major mathematical proof discoveries.

I even had publication until people like you showed how broken the modern system of journal peer review is.

Now I have an easy algebraic solution to the factoring problem and the ability to let this drag out for a little while, as I wait for others to demonstrate the value of the research.

That's how it's done. Valuable research gets picked up by others.

It is so weird though. Here I am arguing with some mental midget, when I've had a simple algebraic proof of the factoring problem out there for days.

Anyone else suppose that the human race is devolving? Rapidly?

[A reply to someone who asked James why can't he validate his proof.]

I did validate it.

Mathematical proof.

And it's an easy proof so all this arguing shows that a lot of you really don't get what a mathematical proof is.

I guess you think it's some delicate or wishy-washy thing.

You really can't comprehend that a person can prove something mathematically and just sit back with certainty?

Or you think I have to demonstrate it with some big factorization to know what mathematical proof already told me?

Ok, here's an important question: do you think if I really knew that mathematical proof meant that I'd solved the factoring problem that I'd quickly demonstrate it, wait on others to show it, or just write a paper and send it to a journal?

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