Monday, January 21, 2008


JSH: Looking at feedback

So I have a rather easy mathematical proof that I solved the factoring problem, and I've presented all the mathematics to the world in multiple ways.

But the fascinating thing is how useless that is with the modern mathematical community and I see that as being a measure of its ill health.

Like how certain posters interpreted spectacular results validating the easy algebra presented as exactly the opposite.

Kind of reminding me when sci.math posters took publication of a paper of mine as a negative, and then rationalized how publication didn't matter as they excoriated the mathematical journal for publication. And THEN some of them ripped on the math journal when the editors caved after some sci.math'ers sent emails claiming errors in the paper and the editors withdrew my paper after publication.

They want their cake and to eat it too.

Now my perspective on what the guys at the top of the heap in the mathematical field do, is, I think, they look to see if the cows are still herding well, and yes, you are the cows.

As long as you can be herded, they can sit back, and hope that the truth doesn't matter, as their product is your belief: your belief so that you learn bogus math and love it, your belief so that you can be presented with brilliant math and hate it, and your belief so that nothing matters to you but following the crowd.

I call it democracy at work: the modern math field.

Your leaders are picked democratically. Math prizes are decided democratically. And your beliefs are decided democratically.

You live in a world where nothing is real, except you all telling yourselves what you want to hear, so nothing matters to you, not mathematical proof, and not experimental validation.

You are completely lost to true knowledge.

[A reply to someone who wrtoe that, instead of a proof, James has just some squiggly equations that don't work.]

But they do work, and that's the point.

It's the problem with "pure math", as math society says, "trust me" about those results, yet I can show practical results with easy algebra, and the same society says they don't, or sits quietly.

The key point here is that society has to police mathematicians as well as all other academics.

Now you all will lose this battle. Clearly I like dragging it out as I make a point, which is that your society is totally screwed up.

But at the end of it all, it just takes factoring some RSA public keys and you are shut down, for good.

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