Thursday, January 17, 2008
JSH: A little direct talk
First off, I did find a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, but did so with methods that did show an error in "core" mathematics. The journal that published my introductory paper did the right thing, and the mathematics within it clearly shows there is something big there. But the massive failures began when they collapsed under pressure, and withdrew my paper, possibly puzzled themselves to finally learn that their field was corrupt, and that's when I also learned just how corrupt the math field had become.
As I looked for various ways to get my research accepted I tried multiple avenues, so I have my Class Viewer open source project, and lately I even came up with a business plan for YouTube as it was bugging me that Google wasn't doing anything with it that made serious money.
Nothing worked though to break the impasse.
Years back I concluded that one option was to solve the factoring problem, as it was a non "pure math" area where denial was impossible.
Seemed brilliant to me, but as I've come closer to the solution I realized there were problems with the idea.
Biggest problem was that with success, unless I could get some rational behavior from big players I might inadvertently crash the global economy and end civilization as we know it.
So I kept pointing out that I might just really go after the factoring problem and there was no way to keep up the lying—oh yeah by now I realized that a lot of players in the math field had to be lying as, for instance, math journals don't just keel over and die without a lot of people noticing—because with the solution to the factoring problem I could just factor big numbers.
And the hinting was in the hope that they'd cave in, and just start telling the truth about my other research because I was worried, as I mentioned about crashing the global economy.
But it didn't work, and here we are. I solved the factoring problem and the solution is easier than I ever thought it would be, and they are daring me in the final game of chicken to actually fully implement it and factor something to end the "math wars" once and for all.
Good news is that I have determined that doing so would NOT end the global economy, which is a relief. So civilization as we know it is safe or the solution would not be posted. I'd just be looking at it and wondering to myself.
Trouble is, I'm not so sure about the US economy and as I've gotten closer to decision point, you can, um, see what it has been doing.
If Bush were out of the White House some serious damage control could be started immediately, but with him there the timing is not so great and notice that the US government is dilly-dallying as we speak, with Bush mouthing stupidity about making his dumb tax cuts permanent.
So the point of this post is that at this point I have an easy proof of a solution to the factoring problem, which I have determined will not collapse the global economy, but the weakened US economy is in danger, so I'm hesitant, and part of this message is to congressional leaders that action has to be taken NOW.
[A reply to someone who asked James why doesn't he just factor a number in the privacy of his home.]
It's an easy proof.
It's some of my easiest research to understand.
What I am curious about is how people like you have rationalized your way all the way through no matter what.
And now all I have to do is implement some trivially easy equations and end all debate, but you all keep acting like you don't care, as if you are still certain.
Can you not understand the proof? Or is there some other reason you want me personally to implement it?
Ok, here's a question for you, if I have proven mathematically that the factoring congruences I found solve the factoring problem, why would you want me to demonstrate with an actual factorization?
What do you hope to gain with the request?
Time? Distract other people and hope they believe you and ignore the solution?
Why not figure that I'd just program it and end the debate?
Or, do you really not understand what a mathematical proof represents? How it is about certainty?
Why did proof never work with people like you?
I chased the factoring problem because proof didn't work, so I could have something that when you ignored proof I could just put a factorization in your face and say HERE.
But why is that necessary?
The proof is so easy it could be taught in high school, or secondary school as they say in Europe.
How can any of you keep going in the face of that? What is going on in your brains that allows you to do so?
What would happen to you if I factored an RSA number? Would you just snap? Or just say, sorry? Or what?
As I looked for various ways to get my research accepted I tried multiple avenues, so I have my Class Viewer open source project, and lately I even came up with a business plan for YouTube as it was bugging me that Google wasn't doing anything with it that made serious money.
Nothing worked though to break the impasse.
Years back I concluded that one option was to solve the factoring problem, as it was a non "pure math" area where denial was impossible.
Seemed brilliant to me, but as I've come closer to the solution I realized there were problems with the idea.
Biggest problem was that with success, unless I could get some rational behavior from big players I might inadvertently crash the global economy and end civilization as we know it.
So I kept pointing out that I might just really go after the factoring problem and there was no way to keep up the lying—oh yeah by now I realized that a lot of players in the math field had to be lying as, for instance, math journals don't just keel over and die without a lot of people noticing—because with the solution to the factoring problem I could just factor big numbers.
And the hinting was in the hope that they'd cave in, and just start telling the truth about my other research because I was worried, as I mentioned about crashing the global economy.
But it didn't work, and here we are. I solved the factoring problem and the solution is easier than I ever thought it would be, and they are daring me in the final game of chicken to actually fully implement it and factor something to end the "math wars" once and for all.
Good news is that I have determined that doing so would NOT end the global economy, which is a relief. So civilization as we know it is safe or the solution would not be posted. I'd just be looking at it and wondering to myself.
Trouble is, I'm not so sure about the US economy and as I've gotten closer to decision point, you can, um, see what it has been doing.
If Bush were out of the White House some serious damage control could be started immediately, but with him there the timing is not so great and notice that the US government is dilly-dallying as we speak, with Bush mouthing stupidity about making his dumb tax cuts permanent.
So the point of this post is that at this point I have an easy proof of a solution to the factoring problem, which I have determined will not collapse the global economy, but the weakened US economy is in danger, so I'm hesitant, and part of this message is to congressional leaders that action has to be taken NOW.
[A reply to someone who asked James why doesn't he just factor a number in the privacy of his home.]
It's an easy proof.
It's some of my easiest research to understand.
What I am curious about is how people like you have rationalized your way all the way through no matter what.
And now all I have to do is implement some trivially easy equations and end all debate, but you all keep acting like you don't care, as if you are still certain.
Can you not understand the proof? Or is there some other reason you want me personally to implement it?
Ok, here's a question for you, if I have proven mathematically that the factoring congruences I found solve the factoring problem, why would you want me to demonstrate with an actual factorization?
What do you hope to gain with the request?
Time? Distract other people and hope they believe you and ignore the solution?
Why not figure that I'd just program it and end the debate?
Or, do you really not understand what a mathematical proof represents? How it is about certainty?
Why did proof never work with people like you?
I chased the factoring problem because proof didn't work, so I could have something that when you ignored proof I could just put a factorization in your face and say HERE.
But why is that necessary?
The proof is so easy it could be taught in high school, or secondary school as they say in Europe.
How can any of you keep going in the face of that? What is going on in your brains that allows you to do so?
What would happen to you if I factored an RSA number? Would you just snap? Or just say, sorry? Or what?