Tuesday, October 09, 2007


JSH: Put two and two together

There is no way that I could prove things without a doubt mathematically and not get my research accepted except that the proofs invalidate people who then realize they are not competent.

Just simple curiosity would force a resolution if these people really loved mathematics.

But they got into positions where the power of the position lets them protect themselves from mathematical proof.

So there is nothing I can do in terms of convincing as proof is not enough.

These are failures, and telling the truth is admitting they are failures, but being failures there is not a whit of the moral fiber needed within them for them to tell the truth.

So it's a Catch-22.

Those of you who can do things like ignore the simple arguments I present are only living in your own delusion of being mathematicians so that people can think you're something you're not and knowing there's a time limit on that for you, there is nothing I can say that will move you, as what you are looking at, if you admit the truth, is your own failure.

And maybe you gain what pleasure you can from my inability to move the world, as maybe I'm not such a genius after all, if despite what I've discovered I can be stopped by you.

So your one accomplishment then is managing to hold a major discoverer, like no one else has in history.

And in holding me, you hold the entire human race, blocking it from knowledge, and I must admit, that is a rather remarkable accomplishment which I didn't think was possible on this scale.

Too bad you people couldn't also know math as well as you know politics.

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