Saturday, October 20, 2007
JSH: My broadcast network
I am continuing my movement away from the academic world into pop culture and today announced my own broadcast network, which is just my blog pulling in multi-media content through Google's ample services.
Problem solving is what I do. Industry is about change and new markets that others do not see before they are here.
With the complete failure of the academic community to accept easily proven mathematical results that are so huge they have to do with the foundations of mathematics and logic itself, I must move out of areas where incompetent people hide their incompetence by not following any rules when they think it necessary to do so, like how publication in a peer reviewed mathematical journal did not matter.
Major media giants are challenged at this point.
It's not clear in the shake-up to come who will survive, will MTV? Will NBC? Viacom? Or Universal Music Group?
With players that huge in a new environment I want the academic community worldwide—not just mathematicians—to really stop and think about what happens to them when creative people like myself get a very bitter feeling about those among them who are doing nothing of value and getting a free ride because of an out-dated academic model.
When I get on a big soapbox and tell the world that academics routinely lie, getting away with it by carefully not doing research checkable in the real world, what then?
Spend your time writing paper and tomes to try and refute me? Or keep a noble silence as if it doesn't matter if the bulk of the world thinks you are liars?
There were not always colleges and universities. You are not invulnerable to change.
An entire freaking mathematical journal went belly-up!!! Its hosting university then tried to pretend it never existed!!!
I played by the rules, got published. I have the mathematical proofs. I have explained them over and over for years. Now I'm going into pop culture and part of my mission will be convincing people they are wasting money on many of you.
And I know mathematicians lie because I have the mathematical proofs to show it, and they clearly lie in "pure math" areas because they've learned they can get away with it.
How much lying is there in the modern academic world? How many professors are doing nothing of value and getting pay and prestige to do so?
How many kids are being taught junk and worse, for those who look to academic careers, being trained by parasitic human beings in a system I call white collar welfare to be a liar themselves?
Wow, a parent spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on a kid's education so that kid can be wrong his entire life. What a deal from some schools, eh?
The bell may soon toll on this system no matter what nonsense you say in reply here or how many college administrators look at their billion dollar endowments and feel safe.
After all, it's only money—you were given it, and it can be taken away.
Our world is about constant change where people can really lose by confidence and overweening pride, believing that only what they see is possible.
But, until you can out think every possible genius that comes along to come after your screwed up system then you are vulnerable, and it's just a matter of time.
Problem solving is what I do. Industry is about change and new markets that others do not see before they are here.
With the complete failure of the academic community to accept easily proven mathematical results that are so huge they have to do with the foundations of mathematics and logic itself, I must move out of areas where incompetent people hide their incompetence by not following any rules when they think it necessary to do so, like how publication in a peer reviewed mathematical journal did not matter.
Major media giants are challenged at this point.
It's not clear in the shake-up to come who will survive, will MTV? Will NBC? Viacom? Or Universal Music Group?
With players that huge in a new environment I want the academic community worldwide—not just mathematicians—to really stop and think about what happens to them when creative people like myself get a very bitter feeling about those among them who are doing nothing of value and getting a free ride because of an out-dated academic model.
When I get on a big soapbox and tell the world that academics routinely lie, getting away with it by carefully not doing research checkable in the real world, what then?
Spend your time writing paper and tomes to try and refute me? Or keep a noble silence as if it doesn't matter if the bulk of the world thinks you are liars?
There were not always colleges and universities. You are not invulnerable to change.
An entire freaking mathematical journal went belly-up!!! Its hosting university then tried to pretend it never existed!!!
I played by the rules, got published. I have the mathematical proofs. I have explained them over and over for years. Now I'm going into pop culture and part of my mission will be convincing people they are wasting money on many of you.
And I know mathematicians lie because I have the mathematical proofs to show it, and they clearly lie in "pure math" areas because they've learned they can get away with it.
How much lying is there in the modern academic world? How many professors are doing nothing of value and getting pay and prestige to do so?
How many kids are being taught junk and worse, for those who look to academic careers, being trained by parasitic human beings in a system I call white collar welfare to be a liar themselves?
Wow, a parent spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on a kid's education so that kid can be wrong his entire life. What a deal from some schools, eh?
The bell may soon toll on this system no matter what nonsense you say in reply here or how many college administrators look at their billion dollar endowments and feel safe.
After all, it's only money—you were given it, and it can be taken away.
Our world is about constant change where people can really lose by confidence and overweening pride, believing that only what they see is possible.
But, until you can out think every possible genius that comes along to come after your screwed up system then you are vulnerable, and it's just a matter of time.