Wednesday, October 10, 2007


JSH: Empty nonsense

The EEP is a concept, an idea I've been tossing around for a bit now, and maybe it took control of me for a while, but it is just an idea.

I no more came here to take over planet earth than I can fly like Superman.

With that said, I think it fascinating how this story is evolving as more and more I turn away from anything like a traditional approach, and that is more and more about what is commonly called pop culture.

Today I got an email from the Annals of Mathematics that my paper on surrogate factoring was rejected by the reviewer. No reviewer report, as usual.

It seems to me that when I can get satisfaction from mainstream culture, and nothing but repudiation from academic culture then maybe I should learn to move more and more away from academic culture, so I am working to do just that.

It is an odd thing from where I came from, when as a kid I looked up to professors and believed so many things that turned out to be lies, but the real world is a world where people lie if they can.

And that is just the way it is.

As I move further into other realms, and look forward to some day returning with full force to the Math Wars with other tools, I hope that you feel at least some fear that it may happen far more quickly than you think possible, and if I get the ear of politicians and start turning up the heat and you have to justify what you do with more than saying all your colleagues agree, then maybe there will be some justice in this story.

But until then, I am most definitely still a failure. And that is what drives me now.

I have failed, and as that pain bites into me, day after day, I distance myself more and more.

The pain is greater each day. I want you to know that even if you feel thrilled by it.

The pain just grows each day, and with it, so does my resolve.

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