Thursday, September 20, 2007


Primes conjecture with surrogate factoring

Oddly enough looking at going in a different direction with what I call the surrogate factoring congruence lead me to a fascinating little result!

Given a composite S, it is not possible for abs(S - 2k^2) to be prime for any non-zero k, unless S is a product of two primes, and they have to be differing primes.

Is that already known?

It is kind of an odd little result. Here's an example of when a prime is allowed, S = 77, k = 6, then

77 - 2*36 = 5

but in contrast, say if S = 105, which has 3 prime factors, by this conjecture no non-zero k exists such that

abs(105 - 2k^2)

is a prime number.

The proof is oddly easy but I'll call it a conjecture in case I made a mistake in the argument which can be found at my math blog.

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