Monday, September 10, 2007


JSH: Your funeral

I picked factoring because ultimately I don't need any of you to do your jobs.

I don't need you to tell the truth.

IN fact, it is just funny if you keep lying.

All I have to do is factor an RSA challenge number and the theory I now have says that with time I can do it.

Now laugh at that all you want. Show your continuing bravado against mathematical proof.

But that just makes it that much sweeter.

You people do not know mathematics which is why you are being beaten in this way.

And the point now is that you are not mathematicians, you lie stupidly, and there was no other way to get the truth out so you stand against human progress and the only way to prove it was to put you against a wall and crush you with the truth.

[A reply to someone who reminded James that his algorithm runs about as slow as a random GCD algorithm.]

Clearly I'm testing you people to see if you're still confident.

Sounds like you are.

If you know your math and what you know says I can't do it, then why worry about it?

BUT if your community has been lying about my research hoping I'd never find a way to prove that with some super dramatic discovery that's almost yanked out of the clear blue because I am a great discoverer then yeah, maybe you should worry.

It would seem reasonable to suppose that I can't yet do it, or I'd stuff it in your faces.

The question is, do I have the potential?

If you know that I don't then why worry?

But if you know that I do then make no mistake, the warnings are nearly over and when I'm done I'll make certain that no one ever tries what you people did, again.

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