Sunday, September 16, 2007
JSH: United States, key here?
Thinking about my own post going over just how much evidence has to be ignored for mathematicians to keep avoiding my research, looking for answers keeps bringing me back to the US and it's odd history in certain areas.
Having a major discoverer from one of the disadvantaged races in this country could help create a shift to education as key—versus hoping for a long-shot in entertainment industries. And would remove the silent argument that many in certain groups here use amongst themselves that "blacks" in this country are actually inferior which explains their current difficulties, even if it's not politically correct to say so.
If you don't think that certain racial groups are inferior then problems they are having today can only be partly explained by historical imbalances, which goes to that other argument that racism was a problem of the past, so it has nothing to do with today's members of advantaged groups, but what if they are lying?
I still like to point out that story where I had the highest SAT of my graduating class but the school changed the rules to give the award for that achievement to a white kid, as an example of how cheating in certain areas can lead to unfair advantages.
Without that award, I couldn't put it on my college application, while that kid could, and he could have that prominently displayed to this day. He can show off his award—society's nod to him for my achievement.
It didn't matter to some extent as I went to Vanderbilt University—but whites made it a point to claim that was about affirmative action.
Kind of see how it works? How there is a lot of psychological warfare involved?
If you can convince someone they are inferior or that nothing they can do will matter to change their social status, then you can more easily dominate them.
Really nasty kind of evil, but one I understand which is why I've understood so well the rather vicious personal attacks many of you have leveled at me.
You see, others were there before you. I know your kind from past experience.
I don't think the issue is really about race though but about class.
I think some British coming to this country instilled in their children a wish to be royalty in their own neo-Britain over here, and got a lot wrong about how class works.
So they dream of being nobles who don't have to work, don't even really have to learn anything, but you just go to parties mostly and rule. Look at George W. Bush as an example of the dream fulfilled.
To them it is only about blood.
So merit does not matter to these neo-Brits in America, who can take one kid's award to give to a white kid who lost, but can then claim to have won.
And hey that does send a message, like your community's refusal to acknowledge proof after proof after proof and I think the US connection is that some of you think that is being brilliant on your part. You think that it'd be nice if we lived in a fair world, and lying is just how things really work, and it's better to be on top than on the bottom.
So you justify inhuman actions by seeing virtue in ruthlessness, and honor in lying.
And who cares really if you actually know math? Or, maybe later someone will be able to steal my results anyway, right? And just take credit for them and you can suddenly gain a renewed appreciation for mathematical truth!!!
Of course that kind of behavior is about weakness and using group processes to overcome personal ineptness.
The reality of needing a majority in the US to do really dumb things can be seen with Republicans and George W. Bush.
The naive belief is that if you have a group of powerful people you can stand against all others, live by no law except your own promotion and that of your own, and that is the way the world really works.
But that is actually the way a lot of people get killed.
The Russian and French communities ended dominance of royalty in their countries the way it is often ended, and the dark side of the group against others is a need for violence, and a fear of it.
In contrast middle class values are about doing your best and winning by merit, so that your win stands.
The middle class is about feeling secure and escaping the need for violence.
Some of you may wonder about that kid, who would now be grown up, who got that award that I won by a rule change.
Will he someday be on the news with a profile asking him about the event?
i know it is a group process many of you are relying on, and I know that you naively think that you can win if you just stick together and follow through with the plan, like what George W. Bush keeps saying should be done with Iraq.
Get the message here? That what you're doing is not hidden nor is it brilliant? That others like politicians do the same thing?
So I know what you're doing. I know it's about your personal weakness and your belief that lying and hiding certain things while relying on the group is all you need because you're not smart enough to know that there is no final solution.
If there were we'd live in one huge empire by now with one indomitable ruling class.
But we don't.
Having a major discoverer from one of the disadvantaged races in this country could help create a shift to education as key—versus hoping for a long-shot in entertainment industries. And would remove the silent argument that many in certain groups here use amongst themselves that "blacks" in this country are actually inferior which explains their current difficulties, even if it's not politically correct to say so.
If you don't think that certain racial groups are inferior then problems they are having today can only be partly explained by historical imbalances, which goes to that other argument that racism was a problem of the past, so it has nothing to do with today's members of advantaged groups, but what if they are lying?
I still like to point out that story where I had the highest SAT of my graduating class but the school changed the rules to give the award for that achievement to a white kid, as an example of how cheating in certain areas can lead to unfair advantages.
Without that award, I couldn't put it on my college application, while that kid could, and he could have that prominently displayed to this day. He can show off his award—society's nod to him for my achievement.
It didn't matter to some extent as I went to Vanderbilt University—but whites made it a point to claim that was about affirmative action.
Kind of see how it works? How there is a lot of psychological warfare involved?
If you can convince someone they are inferior or that nothing they can do will matter to change their social status, then you can more easily dominate them.
Really nasty kind of evil, but one I understand which is why I've understood so well the rather vicious personal attacks many of you have leveled at me.
You see, others were there before you. I know your kind from past experience.
I don't think the issue is really about race though but about class.
I think some British coming to this country instilled in their children a wish to be royalty in their own neo-Britain over here, and got a lot wrong about how class works.
So they dream of being nobles who don't have to work, don't even really have to learn anything, but you just go to parties mostly and rule. Look at George W. Bush as an example of the dream fulfilled.
To them it is only about blood.
So merit does not matter to these neo-Brits in America, who can take one kid's award to give to a white kid who lost, but can then claim to have won.
And hey that does send a message, like your community's refusal to acknowledge proof after proof after proof and I think the US connection is that some of you think that is being brilliant on your part. You think that it'd be nice if we lived in a fair world, and lying is just how things really work, and it's better to be on top than on the bottom.
So you justify inhuman actions by seeing virtue in ruthlessness, and honor in lying.
And who cares really if you actually know math? Or, maybe later someone will be able to steal my results anyway, right? And just take credit for them and you can suddenly gain a renewed appreciation for mathematical truth!!!
Of course that kind of behavior is about weakness and using group processes to overcome personal ineptness.
The reality of needing a majority in the US to do really dumb things can be seen with Republicans and George W. Bush.
The naive belief is that if you have a group of powerful people you can stand against all others, live by no law except your own promotion and that of your own, and that is the way the world really works.
But that is actually the way a lot of people get killed.
The Russian and French communities ended dominance of royalty in their countries the way it is often ended, and the dark side of the group against others is a need for violence, and a fear of it.
In contrast middle class values are about doing your best and winning by merit, so that your win stands.
The middle class is about feeling secure and escaping the need for violence.
Some of you may wonder about that kid, who would now be grown up, who got that award that I won by a rule change.
Will he someday be on the news with a profile asking him about the event?
i know it is a group process many of you are relying on, and I know that you naively think that you can win if you just stick together and follow through with the plan, like what George W. Bush keeps saying should be done with Iraq.
Get the message here? That what you're doing is not hidden nor is it brilliant? That others like politicians do the same thing?
So I know what you're doing. I know it's about your personal weakness and your belief that lying and hiding certain things while relying on the group is all you need because you're not smart enough to know that there is no final solution.
If there were we'd live in one huge empire by now with one indomitable ruling class.
But we don't.