Saturday, September 15, 2007


JSH: Unfair burden

Surrogate factoring is my answer to a math community that does not follow its own rules, which has to date ignored proof after proof after proof that challenges closely held beliefs and the current status quo.

So it is a way to force the situation and with force comes consequences that bother me.

Mathematicians are still fighting to ignore my research which pushes me to bring surrogate factoring to rapid maturation, which would not only collapse confidence in the mathematical community, but it could destabilize the world economy.

And I can state that math people can laugh at it like it's nonsense and the world trusts them, but I know and smart people know it's true.

It can happen because I now have years of looking at this behavior and studying it to understand why mathematicians would rather destroy the world than admit that they are not as smart as they have presented themselves to be or believed themselves to be.

Publication in a math journal is not a minor feat. But publication followed by a once in history attempt at retraction AFTER publication and the death of the journal is the kind of sign that clears that shows how big this situation is. Search on "SWJPAM".

I have stepped through my research answering all mathematical objections and it has not mattered to a math community that refuses to accept mathematical proof.

IN answer I get lies about even the most basic mathematics so that the distributive property is disputed and then claims immediately follow that is is not, against logic, against the evidence, against reality.

With my prime counting research there simply is no other way in all of previous human history to count prime numbers that relies on summing a partial difference equation. That is significant as it immediately leads to a partial differential equation and an integral, unlike any other research previously known in this area.

There is no comparable research in that area which is about prime numbers. None.

There is NO WAY the mathematical community does not understand that, and NO WAY leading researchers in the field do not know what they are doing.

What they are doing is making me the first major researcher in history who is tasked with destroying his world to get even the most simply proven research accepted, and the mathematics gives me the tools.

What I want you people to understand though is that this is not an "oops" situation. It is not a situation where you get to acknowledge defeat if forced on you and just apologize to the world.

You are willfully ignoring a new way to factor.

It HAS to be fundamental as I just included k = 2x mod T, with the already well known and very much studied x^2 = y^2 mod T.

Such a seemingly minor addition is at a fundamental level but despite that I took a year presenting it giving your community an opportunity to show it a trivial addition and your community could not.

It is increasingly clear that mathematicians have taken an absolute position of denying the value of my research putting me in the position of breaking that denial with the only tool that will work, which can also break this country and others.

Forcing me to choose.

The best explanation for denial of my research worldwide is that what I call non-polynomial factorization challenges very closely held beliefs of mathematicians worldwide and forces them to re-think how intelligent they are in certain areas.

The best explanation for denial in the United States is a need for a class view that puts "black people" at the bottom of the pile in terms of intelligence which does not want a major intellectual accomplishment changing the rules for people who want a two-tiered society with their own children on top as some kind of new nobility.

So I live in a world of powerful, willful fools who have put on me the responsibility of destroying that world for its stupdies lies against its own interests.

There is no "white " superiority. People in the United States lie about, well, just about everything.

Lies about Iraq are not out of the norm. White lies are the norm in this country.

This country lie, and lies about lying. It is dedicated to lying.

Like with that story about when I had the highest SAT of my graduating class but whites changed the rules to block me from an award to give it to a white kid who was so, so, proud—whites here cheat, lose, but claim victory in a bizarre need to believe they are the descendants of royal blood as I've explained as a throwback to British lower class backgrounds.

They are social climbers. Royal wannabes. Who cannot really deliver, but will claim otherwise as if lying makes you a winner.

And I am presented with ending the current world order to stop the lies.

What should I choose?

Back people who make it their mission in life to pretend versus do?

Help people who will kill like in Iraq just to pretend to have something they can never achieve?

To pretend to be royalty?

Why should I?

Proof after proof after proof has been denied. Publication in a mathematical journal has been tossed to the side.

Irony demands an ending that is full of death, misery and blood, and I do not want that burden.

Stupid people have died in stupid ways throughout human history.

But I do not want to pull the trigger.

You fight for whites in the US to play at being royals and you die and maybe I die when all I really did was figure out some basic mathematics?

That is not fair.

Your children die, and our future dies because one group of people cannot face the truth?

Maybe China and Russia think they can weather the storm and emerge as the new dominant world powers but WE HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

What makes them think that people here pushed to the max by reality will care about MAD?

The truth is the answer. Sooner not later.

Or you have your hopes on rationality from irrational people shocked into accepting that they are just human and not royal blood.

You have the potential of a nightmare that does not end because you were stupid enough to think that logic or rationality mattered in an irrational situation.

Forget the plans.

Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki as they were on those fateful days to see what can happen.

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