Wednesday, September 12, 2007


JSH: Triumph of stupidity

So I'm stuck now having concluded that no matter what I can prove by mathematical proof alone, math people will just ignore the truth so they can feel comfortable with lies, which leaves me chasing the factoring problem as if I can factor some HUGE number then I can bring their world crashing down.

And that's a long-shot so we're looking at the potential of a triumph of stupidity over mathematical proof.

Math people are just such liars. It amazes me.

It's like with Iraq where George W. Bush came into the White House with a plan to invade Iraq maybe because it was personal to him and he used 9-11, as an excuse.

We all know it and it does not matter. Idiots rule the world and you know why?

Because it's easier to be dumb.

I have proven so many things and even managed to get published but some damn fools claim publication doesn't matter or it was a mistake and hey, go figure! That's all it takes!

It's a world of fools, so who should be surprised with global warming?

The physics isn't even hard but the irony is so damn amazing which is why I talk about boiling frogs.

Frogs in water slowly coming to a boil.

At the end of it all the reality may be that the human race never had a chance to evolve fast enough to keep from boiling itself to death and that is just reality so it is just.

It is fair.

We're just too damn dumb as a species to deserve to survive.

But in the meantime, at least we can have fun. I personally will drink some more, as, at least I have that.

Thank God for alcohol.

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