Monday, August 20, 2007
JSH: Our lying world
Reality is that people just do lie.
And they lie across the board so why wouldn't they lie about math?
Mathematicians check mathematicians so if you get paid by presenting stuff in a mathematical way that looks complicated and abstruse so you can just berate anyone who questions you on it—claim they just don't understand—why can't you just lie?
Posters reply like that's silly as if mathematicians don't get anything for what they do, and act as if to be worth it a con needs to make someone rich.
But if you can make $50,000 per year doing nothing but babbling math-ese that isn't even right, why wouldn't you?
And if there is a critical mass of people like you who can laugh and joke about the stupidity of the world trusting you, why couldn't you?
The world was so shocked when the tapes of Enron people laughing about loss of power in California came out, as if, as if in today's age we are really so gullible.
And Catholic priests molesting children? How dare you even suggest such a thing, right? But it was true.
People lie about everything.
There are no real checks for most mathematicians except some other mathematician.
I say, they lie. They lie repeatedly. And they lie knowing full well why they lie, and they rely on complex stuff that few people can even follow so that they can say things that are not true, so that if you could follow the argument you'd find it lead nowhere.
We have a lying world.
People start wars over lies. Keep wars going over lies. Burnt bodies and mutilated corpses over lies.
Why would any sane human being think that mathematicians are somehow above being human?
And they lie across the board so why wouldn't they lie about math?
Mathematicians check mathematicians so if you get paid by presenting stuff in a mathematical way that looks complicated and abstruse so you can just berate anyone who questions you on it—claim they just don't understand—why can't you just lie?
Posters reply like that's silly as if mathematicians don't get anything for what they do, and act as if to be worth it a con needs to make someone rich.
But if you can make $50,000 per year doing nothing but babbling math-ese that isn't even right, why wouldn't you?
And if there is a critical mass of people like you who can laugh and joke about the stupidity of the world trusting you, why couldn't you?
The world was so shocked when the tapes of Enron people laughing about loss of power in California came out, as if, as if in today's age we are really so gullible.
And Catholic priests molesting children? How dare you even suggest such a thing, right? But it was true.
People lie about everything.
There are no real checks for most mathematicians except some other mathematician.
I say, they lie. They lie repeatedly. And they lie knowing full well why they lie, and they rely on complex stuff that few people can even follow so that they can say things that are not true, so that if you could follow the argument you'd find it lead nowhere.
We have a lying world.
People start wars over lies. Keep wars going over lies. Burnt bodies and mutilated corpses over lies.
Why would any sane human being think that mathematicians are somehow above being human?