Saturday, July 14, 2007
JSH: Math Wars, reconsidered
Those who read my math blog may have noticed I now have an explanation for this situation where I say I have major mathematical discoveries and others work diligently to fight that claim where I speculate that members of the lower class in Britain fleeing to the Americas to create this country so many hundreds of years ago, came with some baggage about their noble class.
Some of the history of this country is well-known, of course, and I don't think it odd to suggest that those colonists who turned to slavery were trying to create a permanent underclass with themselves as a permanent upper class—they were trying to make themselves nobility.
So what does any of that have to do with math?
I suggest to you that some of them haven't quite stopped and that descendants of those British lower classes not only continue to try at times to turn themselves into something of an upper class in the United States, but they follow bizarre and twisted rules which are THEIR interpretations of upper class behavior.
They believe that upper class members are above the law, will win at any cost, and exploit the people beneath them with no mercy, and that denial of this reality is just a sign of a lack of education and lower class status.
I ran into this kind of behavior years ago when I graduated from high school with the highest SAT of my graduating class and there was an award for that, which by the rules I had won.
Like by the rules I had a paper published in a peer reviewed mathematical journal.
The school changed the rules so that you had to have the highest SAT score and be in the top 10% by grades, which I was not, so they didn't give me the award and gave it instead to some "white" kid.
And he was so proud.
In this reality of a bizarre class war that has spanned centuries where the British nobles that those colonists were—I'd say—fleeing, long dead, you have a modern society with some people fighting ghosts.
And their twisted interpretation of what it means to be upper class as seen by those from the bottom has created a group of very dangerous people capable of just about anything believing that is what a nobility does.
On one of my blogs I have contrasted George W. Bush avoiding serving in combat in the Vietnam War with Prince Harry, an actual British royal, trying to get INTO war in Iraq.
There is one view of what people in an upper class always do, and there is the reality of a mixed bag of behaviors from those who read the histories of classed societies around the world.
Yes, I'm saying that there are a lot of people needlessly being evil who follow naive interpretations they inherited from their ancestors who were on the bottom.
People on the bottom in a classed society rarely rave about those on the top.
Thankfully the United State is a middle class society, which means it has not upper class.
But some people here don't quite get it as they follow some wicked programming from past ages.
You see, as they lie, cheat and steal, doing anything to grasp for meaningless power—they think they're being, noble.
Or maybe I should say, they think they are noble, British style.
A reply to someone who wrote that Arturo Magidin is not one of the “descendants of those British lower classes”.
I'm talking about an explanation for extraordinary circumstances without specifically singling out any particular individual, while you clearly are trying to make it personal.
BUT remember I did have a paper published in a peer reviewed mathematical journal and people like you suddenly changed the rules, like what I experienced with my high school when I had the highest SAT score for my graduating class.
By the rules certain things should happen so people like you CHANGE the rules on the fly and explaining that is best done by looking to American history and the reality of the harshness of British culture under its class system, or how else do you explain it?
It's like running a race where when you get ahead people are changing the rules so that you are disqualified and the person behind you not only gets the award but celebrates as if they actually won!
It can be puzzling to others who think there must be something they are missing that explains it so they sit silently, not wanting to be the dumb person not in on the secret, so I've given them the secret:
Lower classes from Britain who came to the Americas naively believed that the British nobility could do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted, and some of their descendants in this country continue the dream of achieving nobility through a distorted and twisted perception of what it is.
That is the secret.
That is how George W. Bush can do the things he does but still strut like a proud peacock to the befuddlement of the world.
That is how that school could change the rules despite my having the highest SAT score of my graduating class and give the award for having the highest SAT score instead to a "white" kid who celebrated as if he actually won.
And that is how sci.math posters could go after publication of my paper, get the journal killed when the editors naively trusted them, and then act like it was just the most normal thing.
To a particular lower class view all of that is what nobility can do.
To them that is what nobility are SUPPOSED to do.
Some of the history of this country is well-known, of course, and I don't think it odd to suggest that those colonists who turned to slavery were trying to create a permanent underclass with themselves as a permanent upper class—they were trying to make themselves nobility.
So what does any of that have to do with math?
I suggest to you that some of them haven't quite stopped and that descendants of those British lower classes not only continue to try at times to turn themselves into something of an upper class in the United States, but they follow bizarre and twisted rules which are THEIR interpretations of upper class behavior.
They believe that upper class members are above the law, will win at any cost, and exploit the people beneath them with no mercy, and that denial of this reality is just a sign of a lack of education and lower class status.
I ran into this kind of behavior years ago when I graduated from high school with the highest SAT of my graduating class and there was an award for that, which by the rules I had won.
Like by the rules I had a paper published in a peer reviewed mathematical journal.
The school changed the rules so that you had to have the highest SAT score and be in the top 10% by grades, which I was not, so they didn't give me the award and gave it instead to some "white" kid.
And he was so proud.
In this reality of a bizarre class war that has spanned centuries where the British nobles that those colonists were—I'd say—fleeing, long dead, you have a modern society with some people fighting ghosts.
And their twisted interpretation of what it means to be upper class as seen by those from the bottom has created a group of very dangerous people capable of just about anything believing that is what a nobility does.
On one of my blogs I have contrasted George W. Bush avoiding serving in combat in the Vietnam War with Prince Harry, an actual British royal, trying to get INTO war in Iraq.
There is one view of what people in an upper class always do, and there is the reality of a mixed bag of behaviors from those who read the histories of classed societies around the world.
Yes, I'm saying that there are a lot of people needlessly being evil who follow naive interpretations they inherited from their ancestors who were on the bottom.
People on the bottom in a classed society rarely rave about those on the top.
Thankfully the United State is a middle class society, which means it has not upper class.
But some people here don't quite get it as they follow some wicked programming from past ages.
You see, as they lie, cheat and steal, doing anything to grasp for meaningless power—they think they're being, noble.
Or maybe I should say, they think they are noble, British style.
A reply to someone who wrote that Arturo Magidin is not one of the “descendants of those British lower classes”.
I'm talking about an explanation for extraordinary circumstances without specifically singling out any particular individual, while you clearly are trying to make it personal.
BUT remember I did have a paper published in a peer reviewed mathematical journal and people like you suddenly changed the rules, like what I experienced with my high school when I had the highest SAT score for my graduating class.
By the rules certain things should happen so people like you CHANGE the rules on the fly and explaining that is best done by looking to American history and the reality of the harshness of British culture under its class system, or how else do you explain it?
It's like running a race where when you get ahead people are changing the rules so that you are disqualified and the person behind you not only gets the award but celebrates as if they actually won!
It can be puzzling to others who think there must be something they are missing that explains it so they sit silently, not wanting to be the dumb person not in on the secret, so I've given them the secret:
Lower classes from Britain who came to the Americas naively believed that the British nobility could do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted, and some of their descendants in this country continue the dream of achieving nobility through a distorted and twisted perception of what it is.
That is the secret.
That is how George W. Bush can do the things he does but still strut like a proud peacock to the befuddlement of the world.
That is how that school could change the rules despite my having the highest SAT score of my graduating class and give the award for having the highest SAT score instead to a "white" kid who celebrated as if he actually won.
And that is how sci.math posters could go after publication of my paper, get the journal killed when the editors naively trusted them, and then act like it was just the most normal thing.
To a particular lower class view all of that is what nobility can do.
To them that is what nobility are SUPPOSED to do.