Saturday, July 21, 2007
JSH: Kind of bizarre, but not really
Looking over the replies in the thread "JSH: Stolen dreams and the distributive property" I find the bizarreness of the responses there is in keeping with my social theories, as well with past reactions to my mathematical research.
The difference for at least some of you is that now I can explain to you how people can look at a mathematical proof and just say it's not true because of the fear in their minds, where everything for them is class warfare.
There is a remarkable story from the history of the United States where Ray Charles, a legendary blind musician now deceased, was riding in his brand new Oldsmobile with several friends when the car was stopped by a police officer who stopped them because they were black people in a new Oldsmobile.
The nice, new car was a status symbol, but to that policeman it was a class issue.
He put Ray Charles, a blind man, on the side of the road and took the car and the other occupants in for no reason other than they were in a nice, new car. Putting a blind man alone on the side of the road seemed like a good joke to the police officer.
That is a story about fear—the fear of that police officer about class boundaries being tested by black people having a nice car.
Thankfully that is a story about past history, and I doubt anything like it could occur in the United States today, over a new car, but I have little doubt that there are people here who would happily resist any information that indicated that black people in this country are capable of making massively huge intellectual discoveries that overturn a century of thinking.
They are that small, that narrow minded and most importantly, that afraid.
What are they fighting for?
They are fighting for a two tier class system with a permanent lower class made up of blacks, Latinos, and other immigrants who would be the buffer zone between the whites who think this way, as I'm not saying all in the United States do, and the bottom of this social order.
But the United States is a middle class society. There is no reason to fight for a two tier classed society as their is no value in it for the middle class, so why bother?
Why would that kid I've mentioned in past posts who got the award for the highest SAT score want it, when I had the highest SAT score, on some arbitrary rule change that tossed in another requirement? Why would he even want that kind of help? Why did he NEED that kind of support?
Why should some "white" person in this country get so frightened if a "black" person manages some major accomplishment unless they're afraid of being put on the bottom, and where can that fear come from but ancient roots, where for many those roots are in Britain?
Look back to British history and you see a two tier class system.
Fear is about NOT thinking clearly. Mathematical proof is about when you are past survival fears and are steps beyond trying to just stay alive so that you can appreciate the finer things in life.
After all, if you're starving, then what good is a mathematical proof? Or the music of Mozart? Or a painting by Picasso?
People in this country literally stuff themselves so that it has a very high obesity rate.
Fear, I suggest to you, is a lot about why. People afraid of starving to death in one of the richest countries in the world, when they should not have such a fear of that as a threat.
These people are terrified so they cannot think, but their terror is for a non-existent problem.
But what can you do about people's fears? Just tell them they are irrational?
As if, as if that makes a difference, so sci.math'ers destroyed a math journal fighting a paper where the key to the paper is the distributive property because they're too afraid to appreciate the finer things in life. They're so afraid of surviving that they cannot accept a mathematical proof that to them is a matter of life and death—when it's all in their heads.
As I've said before, these people are fighting ghosts.
The difference for at least some of you is that now I can explain to you how people can look at a mathematical proof and just say it's not true because of the fear in their minds, where everything for them is class warfare.
There is a remarkable story from the history of the United States where Ray Charles, a legendary blind musician now deceased, was riding in his brand new Oldsmobile with several friends when the car was stopped by a police officer who stopped them because they were black people in a new Oldsmobile.
The nice, new car was a status symbol, but to that policeman it was a class issue.
He put Ray Charles, a blind man, on the side of the road and took the car and the other occupants in for no reason other than they were in a nice, new car. Putting a blind man alone on the side of the road seemed like a good joke to the police officer.
That is a story about fear—the fear of that police officer about class boundaries being tested by black people having a nice car.
Thankfully that is a story about past history, and I doubt anything like it could occur in the United States today, over a new car, but I have little doubt that there are people here who would happily resist any information that indicated that black people in this country are capable of making massively huge intellectual discoveries that overturn a century of thinking.
They are that small, that narrow minded and most importantly, that afraid.
What are they fighting for?
They are fighting for a two tier class system with a permanent lower class made up of blacks, Latinos, and other immigrants who would be the buffer zone between the whites who think this way, as I'm not saying all in the United States do, and the bottom of this social order.
But the United States is a middle class society. There is no reason to fight for a two tier classed society as their is no value in it for the middle class, so why bother?
Why would that kid I've mentioned in past posts who got the award for the highest SAT score want it, when I had the highest SAT score, on some arbitrary rule change that tossed in another requirement? Why would he even want that kind of help? Why did he NEED that kind of support?
Why should some "white" person in this country get so frightened if a "black" person manages some major accomplishment unless they're afraid of being put on the bottom, and where can that fear come from but ancient roots, where for many those roots are in Britain?
Look back to British history and you see a two tier class system.
Fear is about NOT thinking clearly. Mathematical proof is about when you are past survival fears and are steps beyond trying to just stay alive so that you can appreciate the finer things in life.
After all, if you're starving, then what good is a mathematical proof? Or the music of Mozart? Or a painting by Picasso?
People in this country literally stuff themselves so that it has a very high obesity rate.
Fear, I suggest to you, is a lot about why. People afraid of starving to death in one of the richest countries in the world, when they should not have such a fear of that as a threat.
These people are terrified so they cannot think, but their terror is for a non-existent problem.
But what can you do about people's fears? Just tell them they are irrational?
As if, as if that makes a difference, so sci.math'ers destroyed a math journal fighting a paper where the key to the paper is the distributive property because they're too afraid to appreciate the finer things in life. They're so afraid of surviving that they cannot accept a mathematical proof that to them is a matter of life and death—when it's all in their heads.
As I've said before, these people are fighting ghosts.