Thursday, July 19, 2007


JSH: Independent measures

The reality of the modern math world for mathematicians in "pure math" areas is a divorcement from reality, so that only the word of other mathematicians is used to determine what is considered valuable.

But people lie.

Computers offer a means for independent test, what I call use of independent measures, but somehow, someway computers are supposedly too stupid, primitive and fallible to check the oh, so glorious mathematician!

I say you are a goddamn fool if you believe that and the simplest way to know that most mathematicians today are con artists is to just ask them why computers are not used to check claims of mathematical proof!!!


These people do not want computers because it would be too hard to get the computers to lie.

And I want computer checking because then I could break these people who DO lie.

I've explained why they lie: bizarre class warfare from an older age where people in this country snatch defeat from victory by refusing to play by rules believing that's what nobility does as they fight for a two-tiered class system in a world where the middle-class is better.

These people lose by grasping for something not worth having but in their fear, in their need to win against ghosts they destroy so much, and they lie about anything because to them everything is life and death.

So my country people get fat because they stuff themselves scared of starvation while they burn off the world's oil at a monstrous rate. Airplanes have had to be re-designed to handle the extra size of Americans stuffing themselves.

We live in a world of terror. That is the American way and our greatest export. Fear.

I say, while there is still a world left, start asking for proof—independent measures.

Don't just let some politicians tell you that fear rules the world so you must do what they say, kill this person, kill that person or it's you. I say, why not ask, why?

Why must we burn more and more oil, eat more and more, blow up more and more?


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