Sunday, July 15, 2007


JSH: Challenge with DMESE, copy protection

Whatever it is today mathematics emerged as a practical discipline—a way to solve important problems.

I claim to be, not a mathematician, but a problem solver who has important mathematical discoveries, while the gatekeepers of the mathematical world mostly ignore my results, while a few on the fringe on math newsgroups keep claiming they are not valuable, so I have found a way to challenge all of them in a way that practical minded people can understand with a real world problem.

Problem: The entertainment industry is befuddled by the ability of end users to copy digital media and give it away, and so far its attempts to solve the problem have failed.

I have presented my own solution that I call Digital Media Equipment Self-Encryption, or DMESE for short, and several posters have boldly criticized my idea. Rather than argue about its merits my challenge to them is to give their own attempts at a solution.

DMESE is cleverly simple as with it a user's own equipment just encrypts its copies making it unreadable by the equipment of other users without a key. DMESE can be hardwired into things like a DVD drive making it very difficult for end users without the ability to tear open their drives and re-wire them to change it. And it removes the ability to do a software solution—with DMESE hardwired in they can't re-write but have to physically break into the drive, or build their own non-DMESE drive.

Now then, it's easy for people with NO REAL ABILITY to criticize a great problem solver as all they have to do is just keep saying no, but it's hard to actually produce in the real world with a real problem, versus making claims about "proofs" that few people in the world can understand or care to understand, where I say mathematicians often lie, relying on the lack of real checking to steal from the world in a sad and complex con.

The academic system supports people today who have done no useful work in their entire careers which is why I call the system, white collar welfare. These are useless people, smart about lying, but nothing else.

So then, those who would criticize, put up your own answer. I know you will not as you cannot so you will just continue to criticize, as that is all you have.

You are not problem solvers in actuality. Your input to the world is nothing but negative.

ALL you people have is false beliefs from people who should know better than to just trust you.

The value to the world in your efforts is nothing.

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