Tuesday, June 12, 2007


JSH: Ok, what DOES amuse me

I will admit that I find it fascinating how much stock math people put in put downs, as if some wacky postings on some website, or a bunch of people continually calling you crazy actually makes a difference.

Maybe it does in your world, but not in mine.

People just do not care. They have bigger things to worry about in their lives.

To me it has long been a source of amusement to watch so many of you get so excited as if you had this great big thing to have some weird posting or something I said that you'd get excited about as if, "gotcha!"

You're such children. Look around you at the big wide world and see if anybody actually cares.

So yeah, it is kind of fun to poke at you people. The wacky postings seem to elicit a predictable reaction, which I find fascinates me.

But what makes any of you think that will make a difference if any of my ideas get known to be valuable to the world?

Think they will pause for one second because I said something weird here, or something weird there?

I think some of you do because you are STUPID.

And that makes you even funnier.

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