Sunday, June 24, 2007


JSH: Issue is justification

Taking funding from academia is the kind of thing that smart academics can holler long and hard about in a very convincing way, so it's not like you can just come out and say, hey, these people lie, they make up stuff just for their careers, which means it's just about money, and they have no qualms about trying to block crucial research if they think it hurts their careers.

That is, you cannot just say that there are these professors who are con artists and be very convincing.

It takes more.

Luckily, truly brilliant minds would see the writing on the wall, but these are NOT truly brilliant minds so as we step through the final steps necessary to drastically remove funding from the academic world—en toto—they cannot see it coming.

For me it is remarkable to see how much these people invest in political processes as I've studied the various techniques used in fighting my research over the years by people who clearly seem very impressed with what they're doing!!!

They are fools.

When I shut the door and end this idiocy, and thereby give humanity at least a fighting chance of survival despite the parasitic human beings crowding every corner they can, those parasites will be the most surprised.

The preamble is all about building to a point where a clever con artist crying about how important research money is and how insane it is to just CUT CUT CUT funding for colleges and universities and for research—except for medical, materials science, biology, especially genetic, and anything important for national security—will not get sympathy.

So the cuts will go forward.

Take away the money, and we get a real scientific field again.

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