Friday, June 15, 2007


JSH: Bursting bubbles

I'll admit that at times I try to find a silver lining in my situation by just bursting bubbles.

Plenty of supposedly brilliant top theoretical physicists muttered stuff about primes and physics, as oh my, maybe they could connect the great Riemann Hypothesis from those math guys over to the world of physics and isn't it all just grand?

But they happily ignore simple findings that could tie everything together.

Remember Occam's Razor?

Problem with that thing is that it doesn't get you research grants!!!

When I was a naive undergrad in physics, young and idealistic, I used to admire physicists who I believed were people who sought the truth, but now I know, hey they got to eat!

They want stuff like other people. And to get stuff in our world you need, money.

And if you do not lie in our world, then it is harder to get, money.

There is not a true top physicist in the world today. Not one. I have a contempt for them.

They are all corrupted.

The sad thing about this story is that if it does break my way, it will be because of money and ways I have figured out to help other people out there make more of it—far from the sciences and mathematics.

And you know what I'll do then?

I'll challenge the world to push survival of the fittest—and actually honest--in the academic world by starving funding. I will do my best to shut down entire research departments at major universities as I think they mostly teach lying.

I will push Congress in the United States to slash research budgets in all areas except:
  1. Those crucial to national security, including materials science which I'll mention next.

  2. Material science.

  3. Biological and medical research, especially research involving genetics.
And that's it. I'll make certain that tax dollars are no longer
wasted teaching people how to lie and "publish or perish" so that they'll ignore ANY research because first they look around to see if it will help their careers or not.

I think there are too many scientists worldwide, clogging up the works, and that human progress depends on forcing the bad ones out by starving them of money.

The great scientists will find a way. The rest will find jobs elsewhere.

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