Saturday, June 30, 2007
JSH: Bored, bored, bored again
So Ferry is yet again a big fat liar, but it is remarkable to me that a simple idea for factoring can just kind of sit out there without being settled. I DID program it, so I have a sense of how well it works in a certain arena which indicates to me that maybe it can be made to work for factoring huge numbers but I'd think that'd take some effort and expertise.
I feel now that I passed some limit or other with the Bulletin as there has been no reply to my latest paper, which is currently at my Extreme Mathematics group so hey, I've got it out there anyway, so who cares if some journal picks it up?
At least now it's settled that the AMS and I do not even need to bother playing at being civil any more.
I am bored, bored, bored again, and it seems to me that our world is remarkable for not having much new happening. Sure there is a little bit of this, and a lot of that, where that is people mindlessly killing each other, but the stupidity of the human race is old news.
I don't think there are a lot of intelligent people positive about our future at this point.
There is an insistent need to die in our behaviour, or kill. As if no matter how much people try to get away from that baseline, human nature always remains true so now the most dominant nation on the planet is also becoming the scariest. But hey, we have nuclear weapons.
And you know, we are capable of nuking you.
So that's where it ends. WE are capable of nuking you. We the people of the United States in pursuit of happiness and in great accord with democracy can sit back and let you die, and if you doth protest to much and dare to interfere with our pursuits make no mistake, WE ARE CAPABLE OF NUKING YOU.
So you will sit quiet, like nice little doggies and let us do what we want, or you will die.
My country scares the hell out of me, and I don't know what to do.
So much hope and so many dreams of what could have been destroyed in such a short period of time, from the tragedy of 9–11 to its exploitation by psychopaths who did what the terrorists never could have done.
Our government took away hope.
We the people of the United States of America…were betrayed…but we let them betray us, so in the end, we betrayed ourselves.
The idea of the United States was not big enough for the reality of human nature. Our nature.
Our ability to destroy others believing that protected us, when in so doing, we took away anything worth protecting.
I feel now that I passed some limit or other with the Bulletin as there has been no reply to my latest paper, which is currently at my Extreme Mathematics group so hey, I've got it out there anyway, so who cares if some journal picks it up?
At least now it's settled that the AMS and I do not even need to bother playing at being civil any more.
I am bored, bored, bored again, and it seems to me that our world is remarkable for not having much new happening. Sure there is a little bit of this, and a lot of that, where that is people mindlessly killing each other, but the stupidity of the human race is old news.
I don't think there are a lot of intelligent people positive about our future at this point.
There is an insistent need to die in our behaviour, or kill. As if no matter how much people try to get away from that baseline, human nature always remains true so now the most dominant nation on the planet is also becoming the scariest. But hey, we have nuclear weapons.
And you know, we are capable of nuking you.
So that's where it ends. WE are capable of nuking you. We the people of the United States in pursuit of happiness and in great accord with democracy can sit back and let you die, and if you doth protest to much and dare to interfere with our pursuits make no mistake, WE ARE CAPABLE OF NUKING YOU.
So you will sit quiet, like nice little doggies and let us do what we want, or you will die.
My country scares the hell out of me, and I don't know what to do.
So much hope and so many dreams of what could have been destroyed in such a short period of time, from the tragedy of 9–11 to its exploitation by psychopaths who did what the terrorists never could have done.
Our government took away hope.
We the people of the United States of America…were betrayed…but we let them betray us, so in the end, we betrayed ourselves.
The idea of the United States was not big enough for the reality of human nature. Our nature.
Our ability to destroy others believing that protected us, when in so doing, we took away anything worth protecting.