Friday, May 25, 2007


JSH: Ignorance can be about a will to be wrong

Now I've explained and explained, yet again, as I've worked over the years against a will to be wrong from people who simply are caught in the oldest trap of humanity, needing to be wrong, to feel right.

I did not pick roots of monic polynomial with integer coefficients to build a hundred years of mathematical arguments upon.

None of you did either, but for those of you who are in number theory, the failures of that choice can have a real impact on your life, and it can be easier to be wrong, than to be brave enough to accept the truth.

The proofs I have show how you can step through an argument in the ring of algebraic integer and appear to prove one thing, but go to a field and find that you have something opposite to be the case.

That is inconsistency.

It is easily proven with the ring of algebraic integers, as if you look you will notice that every supposed rebuttal of my research relies on going to a field.

Now that is BASIC for any of you with even a little mathematical knowledge, but ignoring the basics is about a will to be wrong to hold on to a belief which is all about your human needs to feel like something that the truth makes you feel like you're not.

One mathematical journal has already died. I have sent papers to the Annals of Mathematics at Princeton University—and had them rejected. This current paper is at the Bulletin of the AMS, and I'm waiting to hear from them.

As this goes on you tear down your entire society.

To me your hatred of mathematics as a discipline is all about this story. As if you some of you think that if you hold on long enough mathematics can be trumped by human frailty.

If it could we would not be here today as Newton would have failed. Archimedes would have failed. Einstein would have failed.

Because you are failures you believe that humanity as a whole is?

Because many of you managed to keep this knowledge close for a few years hoping against hope that somehow you could betray your entire species and get away with it?

Your own children will spit upon you. The rest of the world may tear you apart.

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