Saturday, May 05, 2007


Expert dilemma

So if you read over my research carefully and understand the implications of my discoveries, one odd thing will also reveal itself to you—people supposedly expert in these areas cannot actually be true experts!!!

So like number theorists presumed to be expert mathematicians clearly cannot be, if you understand what follows from my research.

But, um, if they're not expert, and they admit it, what then?

If you've spent your whole life being a "mathematician" and one day come across some guy on the web who has incredible research results that promptly disabuse you of the notion that you are actually one, then what would you do? Jump up and cheer? I think not.

It is actually worse for them than for people who don't think they are mathematicians because these people know a lot of mathematical stuff that is wrong, or useless that they spent a lot of time learning.

So how is that possible? Isn't mathematics important for DOING things in our modern world?

Yup, but most of that mathematics was discovered centuries ago. A lot of it was discovered thousands of years ago.

Turns out that mathematics is extremely powerful so you can do a lot with a little, so there is now a bubble where these people can live, doing nothing of value at all because nothing they are discovering is actually true!!!

Nothing. Like zero. Total waste.

So they look at my research and it's just pushed on them that nothing they're doing is of any importance but they are known as they world's experts so hey!

They can finally get something right!!!

They can just ignore valid research that threatens their position as the one solution they have—which actually works.

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