Monday, March 19, 2007


Surrogate factoring works very well

Nothing like coding a potential factoring solution to see whether or not it works or not.

The latest code I have is in Java and is available to the world at

and it is optimized for small numbers less than 10,000,000 as that's what I experiment with.

But that is just about the k/T ratio. If you figure out how to adjust it you can use surrogate factoring for any size number.

What the code can show you though even with small numbers is a method that is not at all random. And the mathematics behind it shows that it doesn't really care about number size.

But those are just the facts.

We live in a world of lies. And powerful people who call themselves mathematicians created the necessity of me finding surrogate factoring and putting it forward because they decided that human progress was not important to them.

They decided that humanity had discovered enough mathematics.

No need for any more they decided. No need for any other major discoveries in mathematics because it was inconvenient for them.

Yes, you can continue to ignore this information. But my progress continues on coding, and the theory is done anyway:

As it is so simple it makes you want to cry, as someone should have figured it out before, but the people playing at being mathematicians are like actors playing at being doctors.

But they are like actors who took over a hospital when no one was looking and then tried to lock out the real doctors, and make no mistake, these people now are fighting for their lives.

Their fake lives.

So no, Andrew Wiles did not prove Fermat's Last Theorem. Taylor and Ribet are probably worse at mathematics than your average 12 year old if you take them out of what they know by rote memory.

And none of them are worth a damn to humanity.

And yes, the facts can shake stock markets no matter what people make up to explain it as somewhere some people seem to understand who I actually am, and know what the situation actually is, but stupidly seem to believe that the "mathematicians" currently in power actually are intelligent people who can control things versus being dumb actors caught up in a powerful drama way beyond their intellects.


I have tried various ideas without success before but hey that is normal problem solving.

Failures are over. Surrogate factoring is here. Anyone implementing the simple theory with a will can probably do some serious factoring.

And that means that nations implementing it can possibly do some serious factoring.

And the United States is the LEAST likely to know that as it is top dog right now, so has no interest in supposedly lame ideas from a supposed crackpot.

These kind of stories are how the fate of the world changes and how dominant nations can be thrown on the crap heap.

Do any of you know your history?

Did you know that in World War II Adolph Hitler was so certain of German superiority that he refused to believe that the German codes had been broken, even though they had been?

Rommel had a great effort in Africa, but the Allies had information, and the will to keep a secret.

A very big secret…

They killed people to keep that secret. They let their own people get killed to keep that secret.

And the world keeps on turning, life goes on, people keep getting born, and dying, and preventable catastrophes keep occurring simply because of willful human stupidity.

People in the end want pain, misery, death and failure because there is a Death Instinct in the species.

You people want the worst case. You want the world to hurt.
The newest revision to my surrogate factoring program is now in FLASH, and is available at

it is optimized for numbers larger than 100,000,000, which is an improvement from the java program. The world will see that surrogate factoring is the wave of the future, and that you have been fed lies!

[A reply to someone who wrote that the antique Unix factor utility correctly factored the number 53762053 in a small fraction of a second, as a reply to someone else who noticed that James' code was unable to factor that number (which is equal to 6599×8147).]

Problem may be that k needs to be around sqrt(T), which kind of makes sense for multiple reasons.

That is, with k near sqrt(T), so the k/T ratio is approximately 1/sqrt(T), you minimize BOTH k and the size of the factors of the surrogate needed to find the prime factors of T.

I think that might be the key, and of course I'll need to check it to be sure.

At this point I have things settled to focusing on k, so there is not a lot of room to fiddle with things.

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