Saturday, March 03, 2007
JSH: They lie
Some of you know that a mathematician named Anatoly Plotnikov claims to have proven that P=NP, about a decade ago.
What if he is right?
Then the bulk of mathematicians have sold the world on factoring as a hard problem despite a proof that P=NP, a proof they have willfully ignored for over a decade.
In "pure math" areas it is just the word of some people, a system perfect for lying, with a clear benefit for those who take it over, if they have critical mass then they can support each other without ever having to worry about having real mathematical proofs.
You claim error? They say you are wrong. What can you do then?
It's their word, against yours.
But they stepped out of "pure math"—mathematical research with no practical application—into the real world, with a method that supposedly protects the world's information.
Yet Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman when first proposing the idea that factoring was a hard problem, put up a code that was rather quickly broken, despite their initial claims of how long it should stand. (Know how long they said?)
Despite the reality of rapidly advancing research that kept breaking bigger and bigger keys, mathematicians have managed to keep in place a system that many say would fall anyway with the advent of quantum computers.
That is wacky. It is insane.
You tell me that you have given a system that will be broken any day, and make everything I've encrypted completely open to just about anyone with a powerful enough computer system, and that's ok?
It's ok in a world that trusts experts who inexplicably say it's ok.
And how dare you challenge them? Start asking real questions about the brilliance of the "beautiful minds" who supposedly are the world's mathematicians, and you quickly get shot down.
They will question your sanity; they will insult you into silence.
Sounds quite brilliant, eh? But people get used to abuse from supposedly highly intelligent people and think it just normal that if you seriously question mathematicians they will act like complete asses in taking you down.
And people trust them when for most of them, their careers are built on research that has only been checked by other members of their own group—looking it over.
I know they lie the hard way. I found important mathematical proofs that change number theory from top to bottom, and in the process found major errors, huge enough to shatter the careers of many of them, and they have tried now for years to ignore me.
I got a paper published. Social pressure got it pulled. The mathematical journal died.
That paper has to be held back by current math society because it highlights a technique that proves that major tools currently being taught in "pure math" areas, do not actually work.
As a leading researcher challenged by a corrupted field, with players who are willing to lie so easily, and can get away with it, even to the point that a dead math journal means nothing, I am pushed to try and find something that they can't just lie about, and that is factoring.
Those of you who more than pretend to care about your field should do the fact checking. Like check on Plotnikov's research. See if your field is not willfully ignoring proof that P=NP, so that they can sell the world on a system that is about keeping some con artists in power, at the expense of the world.
[A reply to someone who told James that Anatoly Plotnikov doesn't claim anymore that he solved the P = NP problem.]
Assuming you are telling the truth, I withdraw my prior speculations on why Plotnikov's work was not accepted. The rest of the post stands as written.
What if he is right?
Then the bulk of mathematicians have sold the world on factoring as a hard problem despite a proof that P=NP, a proof they have willfully ignored for over a decade.
In "pure math" areas it is just the word of some people, a system perfect for lying, with a clear benefit for those who take it over, if they have critical mass then they can support each other without ever having to worry about having real mathematical proofs.
You claim error? They say you are wrong. What can you do then?
It's their word, against yours.
But they stepped out of "pure math"—mathematical research with no practical application—into the real world, with a method that supposedly protects the world's information.
Yet Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman when first proposing the idea that factoring was a hard problem, put up a code that was rather quickly broken, despite their initial claims of how long it should stand. (Know how long they said?)
Despite the reality of rapidly advancing research that kept breaking bigger and bigger keys, mathematicians have managed to keep in place a system that many say would fall anyway with the advent of quantum computers.
That is wacky. It is insane.
You tell me that you have given a system that will be broken any day, and make everything I've encrypted completely open to just about anyone with a powerful enough computer system, and that's ok?
It's ok in a world that trusts experts who inexplicably say it's ok.
And how dare you challenge them? Start asking real questions about the brilliance of the "beautiful minds" who supposedly are the world's mathematicians, and you quickly get shot down.
They will question your sanity; they will insult you into silence.
Sounds quite brilliant, eh? But people get used to abuse from supposedly highly intelligent people and think it just normal that if you seriously question mathematicians they will act like complete asses in taking you down.
And people trust them when for most of them, their careers are built on research that has only been checked by other members of their own group—looking it over.
I know they lie the hard way. I found important mathematical proofs that change number theory from top to bottom, and in the process found major errors, huge enough to shatter the careers of many of them, and they have tried now for years to ignore me.
I got a paper published. Social pressure got it pulled. The mathematical journal died.
That paper has to be held back by current math society because it highlights a technique that proves that major tools currently being taught in "pure math" areas, do not actually work.
As a leading researcher challenged by a corrupted field, with players who are willing to lie so easily, and can get away with it, even to the point that a dead math journal means nothing, I am pushed to try and find something that they can't just lie about, and that is factoring.
Those of you who more than pretend to care about your field should do the fact checking. Like check on Plotnikov's research. See if your field is not willfully ignoring proof that P=NP, so that they can sell the world on a system that is about keeping some con artists in power, at the expense of the world.
[A reply to someone who told James that Anatoly Plotnikov doesn't claim anymore that he solved the P = NP problem.]
Assuming you are telling the truth, I withdraw my prior speculations on why Plotnikov's work was not accepted. The rest of the post stands as written.