Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Surrogate factoring, some speculation

I am kind of in shock as I play with small numbers still and find that my latest approach to what I call surrogate factoring follows theory and works remarkably well.

And remember I just extended from congruence of squares just slightly so that I have two primary relations:

x^2 = y^2 mod T


k^2 = 2xk mod T

where T is the target composite, and k is the control variable, which you use to get the surrogate. You factor the surrogate and use its factors to find x and y—creatively solving the difference of squares.

Works great with the small numbers I'm testing.

Now I have quite a few mathematical results by now, and even did some clean-up work in logic and gave the definition of mathematical proof.

It isn't that big a surprise for me to be able to find a simple approach to factoring, and come up with a new factoring method. I found a short proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, years ago. It is not a surprise that I can push the envelope on factoring, and unfortunately, it's not a surprise for mathematicians around the world to try and ignore it.

Problem is "pure math". Turns out that in history you get these freaks of nature who figure out mathematics and there are only a few of them, but mathematics is very important, so as it has gained in prestige LOTS more people want in on the status than can possibly figure out important mathematical results.

More people want in on the prestige than can figure out important mathematics that justifies the prestige.

And going to school for decades cannot make you able to figure out a simple way to extend factoring. Who knows what makes a person that can.

So what to do if you want the prestige anyway?

Well, easy answer, do useless work that has no real mathematical value, but just make sure it is not related to anything important—it is "pure"—and as long as everyone with you is in on the game, it will work out just fine.

And today lots more people are supported by mathematics than could possibly be supported if they were forced to do real research.

My guess is that by now over 99% of the mathematical research being done in "pure math" areas is completely wrong.

So what does that have to do with factoring?

Well people who learn to do useless math can come up with what they think are brilliant ideas that maybe are not, like a clever way that they hope can secure the world's information systems, because to them, factoring is a hard problem, but what if it isn't?

So here we are. Every time I talk a bit about surrogate factoring coincidentally there is a correction on world stock markets of some sort, which I say is coincidental because it seems too far fetched even to me that many people understand yet what is happening, but the recent stock market troubles gives you some clue about how far these mathematicians are willing to go.

I think they'd let the world stock markets crash and burn, and let civilization itself crumble before they'd admit the truth about what they are doing.

I think they'd let every OTHER human being on the planet die a miserable death before they'd tell the truth.

I think they'd sacrifice every one else but themselves if they thought that'd allow them to lie just one more day.

But that is speculation on my part.

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