Sunday, January 14, 2007


JSH: Not like football, they cheated

After watching a great playoff game today I am impressed with how sports is purer than academics because you have rules, people go out and play the game and to a large extent you can be certain that people have to play within the rules.

But academics can break their own rules, like how I have a unique mathematical find—as unique today as it was back in the summer of 2002—and it doesn't matter because math professors sitting at their desks at universities don't have to follow rules while the college students and coaches of their sports teams do.

With some of my other research I even got published—as I followed rules.

Some sci.math'ers send emails claiming I'm wrong, and the university math professors who were editors at the journal—broke the rules and pulled my paper after publication.

These university math professors do not follow their own rules, and what can you do with that?

I mean, think about it, you can go out to a bookstore today and get popular works about how these people supposedly care so much about big questions like the Riemann Hypothesis, and I have unique research in that area that might lead to an answer, and they try to act like it doesn't exist.

But the coaches at these schools have to follow all kinds of rules that have to do with having a fair game, when the academics don't.

Why wouldn't they?

I say, it's because the answers that come from my research don't suit the careers of the guys sitting at the desks writing their own papers and teaching kids about mathematics, telling them it's one way, when my discoveries say it can be another.

They say it's about listening to them for years, to learn as much as you can about what came before, so maybe if you're lucky, you can build on what came before, and you need to do everything a certain way, where mathematics is about academics and requires—professors.

I say mathematics can be about solving problems, and like the rest of the world, where what matters is whether or not you have a solution or not, answers can come from unlikely sources and people you wouldn't expect.

So I challenge the status quo, and that shouldn't matter as before I'd have said, hey, these are probably decent people who care at some level about what they're doing, and at the end of the day, yeah, they might fight a bit, hate it, but they'll go with what's proven to be true.

But it's been over four years now.

And there is no referee to make these math professors stop cheating. No clock to push them to do what's right.

And no real fans who care more about mathematics than they do about playing at mathematics.

Eggheads can hate sports, but eggheads can lie, when in sports you have a purity that would not have allowed this to happen, as people there can actually be counted on to follow the rules of the game, as best they can, or get caught by the referees.

So yeah, football is better than "pure" mathematics, as at the end of the game, with sports, you can usually feel good about how the rules were followed, but "pure" math professors can cheat, and you have no options, but I guess, whining about it on Usenet, where the "fans" just don't give a damn anyway.

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