Sunday, December 31, 2006
JSH: Simpler explanation of my legal position
My fear is that mathematicians at universities don't think they have to report on mathematical research that is important if it does not help their own careers.
That is breaking the trust the public gives them as I think if you talk to the a typical citizen they'd say that mathematicians are expected to report on ANY important mathematical research results.
It makes my legal problem just proving the importance of my research and that I did my part in informing universities through their mathematics professors but they failed to do their jobs.
If I prove that then mathematicians and the universities responsible for them would have no defense and could be forced to pay for damages.
Usenet could be impacted because some mathematicians on math newsgroups have abused the system to not only not report accurately about my research but actually to try and talk it down and convince others falsely that it is not important.
While specific laws exist to punish individuals, I think it is also clear that it takes a whole lot of effort to stop these people, they clearly are confident they can run wild on Usenet, and a reasonable person could consider their behavior strong evidence of a lack of proper protection from the current Usenet format.
Society just can't have a lot of lawsuits all the time over Usenet posts, especially when society spends a lot of money keeping Usenet up, so Usenet might have to change so that abusers of the system are not so confident they can get away with it.
[A reply to someone who tried to explain James that nobody ever earned any money by creating new prime counting methods.]
Well, I know how important my research actually is, which is why there have been mathematicians so willing to risk so much rather than face it.
But others might not realize just how much some mathematicians are willing to risk to protect themselves.
I suggest to people not on math newsgroups that mathematicians are more than willing to risk changes to Usenet itself rather than just do their jobs as my point is they are breaching the public trust.
And why would they if there weren't something in it for them?
There must be some huge things at stake, right?
Remember an entire math journal has already died as part of this story.
There are HUGE things at stake, whether you understand what they are or not.
But not for most of you. It is your trust they are breaking.
Clearly for me legal strategies are the last options, but at this point it is starting to look like I have no other choice as that is a lot about why we have a legal system, for when no other civil means remains.
And yes, this public notification would be part of a case as well as I point out that there are mathematicians who are willing to sacrifice the needs of others to protect themselves, showing they just don't care about the public trust, at all.
That is fair warning. Everything on Usenet is public.
That is breaking the trust the public gives them as I think if you talk to the a typical citizen they'd say that mathematicians are expected to report on ANY important mathematical research results.
It makes my legal problem just proving the importance of my research and that I did my part in informing universities through their mathematics professors but they failed to do their jobs.
If I prove that then mathematicians and the universities responsible for them would have no defense and could be forced to pay for damages.
Usenet could be impacted because some mathematicians on math newsgroups have abused the system to not only not report accurately about my research but actually to try and talk it down and convince others falsely that it is not important.
While specific laws exist to punish individuals, I think it is also clear that it takes a whole lot of effort to stop these people, they clearly are confident they can run wild on Usenet, and a reasonable person could consider their behavior strong evidence of a lack of proper protection from the current Usenet format.
Society just can't have a lot of lawsuits all the time over Usenet posts, especially when society spends a lot of money keeping Usenet up, so Usenet might have to change so that abusers of the system are not so confident they can get away with it.
[A reply to someone who tried to explain James that nobody ever earned any money by creating new prime counting methods.]
Well, I know how important my research actually is, which is why there have been mathematicians so willing to risk so much rather than face it.
But others might not realize just how much some mathematicians are willing to risk to protect themselves.
I suggest to people not on math newsgroups that mathematicians are more than willing to risk changes to Usenet itself rather than just do their jobs as my point is they are breaching the public trust.
And why would they if there weren't something in it for them?
There must be some huge things at stake, right?
Remember an entire math journal has already died as part of this story.
There are HUGE things at stake, whether you understand what they are or not.
But not for most of you. It is your trust they are breaking.
Clearly for me legal strategies are the last options, but at this point it is starting to look like I have no other choice as that is a lot about why we have a legal system, for when no other civil means remains.
And yes, this public notification would be part of a case as well as I point out that there are mathematicians who are willing to sacrifice the needs of others to protect themselves, showing they just don't care about the public trust, at all.
That is fair warning. Everything on Usenet is public.