Saturday, November 18, 2006
JSH: They'd shred most of you
Reality is that the current math world has its own made up rules for who it allows to have major mathematical discoveries, and if you do not fit into that box of a Ph.D from a major university with a history of publications in popular math journals then they will not accept your results.
That applies to you as well as me.
So no, whatever your fantasy is about your own ability to one day figure out some neat math thing and get accolades for it, you cannot with the current math world unless you fit into the box above.
If you push, they will shred you.
At least I have a degree from a major American university in physics and a history of being labeled gifted to allow me to dismiss continual insults where I am called stupid, and insane but what about you?
If you make a math discovery, and do not fit in the box above, the current math community will tear you apart if you do not just quietly, shut down on your own.
If you push, they will shut you down.
You will be berated as stupid, an idiot, or a fool, and repeatedly called insane.
And most of you thinking that you should get applause from people you admire, when you face that you WOULD SHUT DOWN which is the point.
The point is your silence, shutting you up about your discovery.
So that's why it's relevant for me to talk about things like going to Duke University as a kid, as hey, if you do not have something like that in your background, what chance do you have?
When people rip on what you know is right, and call you names, what will you do if you do not have a degree from a top twenty university?
When you have person after person after person repeatedly calling you insane, how will you keep talking unless you have all that and your own open source Java program used around the world by—Java programmers?
You will not.
I can say do a search in a major search engine on the words class viewer and you will get a real world example of what I can do, and how big on the world stage I am.
I dominate these newsgroups, but repeatedly you're told that it's because I have nothing.
They would do the same to you—if you did not meekly shut up if you had your own research and did not fit into the box I described above and had dared to talk about it.
Consider just how far they can go.
I figured out a short way to count prime numbers:
With natural numbers x and n, where p_i is the i_th prime:
P(x,n) = x - 1 - sum for i=1 to n of {(P(x/p_i,i-1) - (i-1))}
where if n is greater than the count of primes up to and including sqrt(x) then n is reset to that count.
To this day as easily verified by checking math websites, like go to MathWorld, you cannot find anything like it, as in a prime counting function that recursively and succinctly calls itself.
These people will NOT put that information up there. They will NOT record it properly for posterity.
They will NOT give acknowledgment or accolades to the discovery and you should thank God that you were not the person who figured that out, as it's simple enough that maybe you could have.
As the current math world would have given you hell.
If you dared talk about it, you would have been shredded.
Make no mistake. IN this day and age, you make any discovery in the math field at your own risk, as for most of you, it'd be better to keep quiet about it than risk the ire of the math community.
As they will come after you if you do not meekly follow their rules.
That applies to you as well as me.
So no, whatever your fantasy is about your own ability to one day figure out some neat math thing and get accolades for it, you cannot with the current math world unless you fit into the box above.
If you push, they will shred you.
At least I have a degree from a major American university in physics and a history of being labeled gifted to allow me to dismiss continual insults where I am called stupid, and insane but what about you?
If you make a math discovery, and do not fit in the box above, the current math community will tear you apart if you do not just quietly, shut down on your own.
If you push, they will shut you down.
You will be berated as stupid, an idiot, or a fool, and repeatedly called insane.
And most of you thinking that you should get applause from people you admire, when you face that you WOULD SHUT DOWN which is the point.
The point is your silence, shutting you up about your discovery.
So that's why it's relevant for me to talk about things like going to Duke University as a kid, as hey, if you do not have something like that in your background, what chance do you have?
When people rip on what you know is right, and call you names, what will you do if you do not have a degree from a top twenty university?
When you have person after person after person repeatedly calling you insane, how will you keep talking unless you have all that and your own open source Java program used around the world by—Java programmers?
You will not.
I can say do a search in a major search engine on the words class viewer and you will get a real world example of what I can do, and how big on the world stage I am.
I dominate these newsgroups, but repeatedly you're told that it's because I have nothing.
They would do the same to you—if you did not meekly shut up if you had your own research and did not fit into the box I described above and had dared to talk about it.
Consider just how far they can go.
I figured out a short way to count prime numbers:
With natural numbers x and n, where p_i is the i_th prime:
P(x,n) = x - 1 - sum for i=1 to n of {(P(x/p_i,i-1) - (i-1))}
where if n is greater than the count of primes up to and including sqrt(x) then n is reset to that count.
To this day as easily verified by checking math websites, like go to MathWorld, you cannot find anything like it, as in a prime counting function that recursively and succinctly calls itself.
These people will NOT put that information up there. They will NOT record it properly for posterity.
They will NOT give acknowledgment or accolades to the discovery and you should thank God that you were not the person who figured that out, as it's simple enough that maybe you could have.
As the current math world would have given you hell.
If you dared talk about it, you would have been shredded.
Make no mistake. IN this day and age, you make any discovery in the math field at your own risk, as for most of you, it'd be better to keep quiet about it than risk the ire of the math community.
As they will come after you if you do not meekly follow their rules.