Wednesday, November 08, 2006


JSH: So they broke the rules

So yes, for YEARS now you've had a steady diet of people ripping on me and my research, where it looks like I can't win.

You have people who gang together and make a mission out of posting carefully and in concert to convince you that I'm wrong, while I keep at mathematical research like a damn fool so that I can check the research I have and maybe discover something new.

And in the process I make a lot of mistakes.

And you can believe that in this world maybe the bad guys just are better at winning public opinion so I don't have a chance.

But I know a little bit about time, and about process, as well as about why values matter.

Values matter not because you can get a poll one day saying that most people believe you.

Values matter because at the end of the day you can say you did your best.

If you can say you did your best, then if people don't believe you, at least you can be satisfied that you did your best.

I really do not care a lot about what people around the world think of me, but I have to accept the responsibility that is forced upon me by this situation I'm in.

Those before me did not fail. If they had I wouldn't have this computer to talk to the world through.

I will not fail. But it may take time. It may take more years. Years when there will be people who will be insulting me, and fighting effectively to deny the truth as they fight mathematical proof.

But I can only do my best, and part of my best is not giving up, and not deciding that the bad guys have to win.

The weight of the world is on my shoulders simply because I found a mistake from over a hundred years ago, and found that some people were not who they claimed, and realized that mathematics is a crucial discipline to our future, so I must not fail.

So some people broke the rules and appeared to get away with it. I got published but they could just kill the journal, after convincing some editors to go against their rules.

When you believe that that's all that matters you may as well lay down and die because every day there are people who seem to get away with breaking the rules.

Enough talk. It's past time to move beyond politics and go with the math.

>From my prime counting function to my ideas on three logic, to my excursions into factoring polynomials into non-polynomial factors I have been blessed with brilliant and effective ideas.

The pain that has gone along with them is just proof of how big they are as you are not allowed to just win. You do not just waltz up and take victory. You have to earn it through pain, blood, sweat and tears.

Or die trying.

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