Monday, November 27, 2006


JSH: Four years plus of failure

It has been over four years since I found what I call my prime counting function.

It is still an open question how closely the partial differential equation that follows it maps to the prime distribution because the current math world is broken, and rather than consider the answers to that question, most mathematicians have ignored me, while you can see the posters here who just work to dismiss the research.

The lack of answers is the fruit of their labors.

That's what such people are about, no answers, no solutions, ever.

Has it occurred to any of you that you could die, and a day later, some person or persons could finally look into that partial differential equation I found, and answer huge questions in mathematics, and the world go on and on about this amazing thing that research thought quack from some crackpot turned out to be important, but no one knew, because no one checked.

And mostly in looking over the history, they could see years of posturing from people who never did anything of value.

ANYONE can criticize.

You have four years plus to see the value of posters just calling me names and claiming my research is not new, as now you may know that yes, I did find a partial differential equation that follows from a prime counting function.

And it's an open question as to how closely integrating that partial differential equation gets you to the prime distribution.

STILL an open question, over four years later.

Still there are posters who seem to think this is just about posturing on some newsgroups as if no one cares if the question is EVER answered.


What kind of human beings does this make you to be, when you are so incurious, so incapable of wondering at the miniscule level necessary to get some answers?

Instead you sit by and either promote or are in complicit in just blanket do-nothingness.

A world of no answers, just talk.

Four plus years of total failure from your group and your community.

That's what the world has today.

Four plus years of total failure to find any kind of answer.

[A reply to someone who asked why is it that this is not a failure from James.]


You are the goddamn fools who refuse to check and then keep going on as if you are intelligent when you will NOT EVEN FUCKING CHECK!!!

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