Sunday, October 22, 2006


JSH: The world is dying

Part of my role is to excite people to possibility. To help bring back the thrill of discovery, and the belief that even individuals can make a difference.

Essential to my role is pushing people to think, to challenge, and to hope.

As these delays continue the balance cannot be restored and the world is dying in response.

The problems you see building can only get worse in ways you probably will not dare to imagine.

But soon enough it will be your life, no matter where you are on this planet and the comfort many of you have today will be gone.

That will be a harsher world, where there will be leaders never found because they weren't inspired, or didn't face a public that had learned that it needed to listen to more than just "experts".

In that world hope may diminish and diminish until it's clear to everyone that important problems are not being solved. The experts do not have the answers needed, and crushing consequences can shatter the hopes of every human being on the planet.

But while those with the power live in comfort and feel secure, there is little I can do but just keep putting up the math and hoping against hope that some ounce of self-preservation will step in, and some "frogs" will jump out of the water before it comes to a boil.

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