Monday, October 16, 2006
JSH: Neat, eh?
Did you see that one coming? Some simple algebra and I can show factors of 2 forced to be shared between some radical expressions.
Blows away so many flawed mathematical ideas—just like that.
And what will you do now?
Some people showed you the the inner workings of what many of you are actually made of with their replies in that thread.
Your people are about denial. Dreams versus reality.
TELLING yourselves you are great. Telling yourselves you are brilliant.
Telling yourselves you understand mathematics.
And calling people names and attacking them when they bring your fantasies into question.
NOW go out and do a web search on "unskilled and unaware" and really understand it this time.
You people have to wake up from fantasy mode where you think just because you have a crowd of other losers telling you stupid crap is real mathematics that it is.
Look at your history books!!!
You do NOT see hordes of mathematicians, you see INDIVIDUALS.
People like me. And the horror of our modern society is the power that people like you get from each other. The ability to share a delusion—and convince the world.
Blows away so many flawed mathematical ideas—just like that.
And what will you do now?
Some people showed you the the inner workings of what many of you are actually made of with their replies in that thread.
Your people are about denial. Dreams versus reality.
TELLING yourselves you are great. Telling yourselves you are brilliant.
Telling yourselves you understand mathematics.
And calling people names and attacking them when they bring your fantasies into question.
NOW go out and do a web search on "unskilled and unaware" and really understand it this time.
You people have to wake up from fantasy mode where you think just because you have a crowd of other losers telling you stupid crap is real mathematics that it is.
Look at your history books!!!
You do NOT see hordes of mathematicians, you see INDIVIDUALS.
People like me. And the horror of our modern society is the power that people like you get from each other. The ability to share a delusion—and convince the world.