Wednesday, October 04, 2006


JSH: Do I really care any more?

You people have no clue about what's coming as you are not really mathematicians, so you look around see a possibly unsteady world but keep thinking that it is rock stable in ways it's not.

My projections indicate that without substantial thinking on the part of humanity approximately 6 billion people will die within the next 30 years.

These days will seem like paradise if you survive the next 10 because with those numbers the odds are that none of you reading this post will be alive.

It's that close.

Intelligence is more than just a label. Solving problems is more than just a nifty idea.

This month a few things are going to happen. Maybe then some of you will get some perspective.

But I'm not hoping as my take on it is that most of you lack even a modicum of the intelligence necessary to grasp world events on the level that are about to occur.

Oh well, it's not like you have to understand. They will happen anyway.

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