Thursday, September 07, 2006


JSH: We may have a problem

Almost as a lark years ago I thought I'd play with mostly simple algebra and use brainstorming to see if I couldn't figure out some neat math stuff that got missed. Low-hanging fruit. I was going for something simple but slightly subtle that might not have been noticed.

But something weird happened when I talked about math ideas on Usenet—math people went after me.

The insults flew almost from the start and kept going until this day, over ten years later.

Well, what would you do? I doggedly kept at it, and then found reasons for the insults—the math people were full of hot air in key areas.

So I traced out several areas and if you look over my research you'll find I answer things from supposed logical contradictions like the so-called Liar's Paradox, to finding a super ring like my ring of objects, which leads into abstruse areas.

BUT I found math people kept up the insults and lied about all of my research, so I pondered the problem: what could I figure out that they couldn't get away with lying about?

Easy answer—the factoring problem because it underlies Internet security.

And I may have done it, or come close enough that others can build on my research, but I'm not sure, and the same math people of course just keep giving insults, and the usual mantra claiming I'm wrong.

So why is it our problem?

Well, these people don't just lie about dinky little crap like randomness with prime numbers, where I'm sure many of you can see right through the statistical arguments—like why use statistical arguments against physics people?—to see why p mod 3 with p a prime greater than 3 is probably random like I say.

I fear that they are capable of lying about yet another clever idea that can be used for factoring.

But hey, what can I do? I say they lie, they say they don't, and years go by, so I put the information on my blog.

If they are right, no problem!!!

If not, you may go home one day to find your are broke, no matter who you are.

If they are wrong on this one Bill Gates may wake up broke.

So that's the problem. I had this idea a bit over two and a half months ago, and put it on my blog about two months ago, so hey, I'm thinking, maybe no worries?

I may as well toss it in here as it's kind of short, or maybe not. Does it really matter what the idea is?

The real point is it's not just an esoteric exercise if these math people are actually lying about this prime stuff, as they may be lying about much bigger stuff as well.

And the result may be that you are soon going to be really poor without having had a chance to do a damn thing about it. Or maybe this is your chance, but not really, as what can any of you really do?

I don't even know what I can do. The situation is bizarre beyond belief. Oh yeah, I did send the idea to some ex-CIA guy and someone with the U.S. Navy and they passed on it, so, no worries?

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