Wednesday, September 27, 2006


JSH: They are crackpots

These number theorists are not going to admit the truth.

They are pretenders to the title of mathematician.

I have shown that easily and in multiple ways.

Now I yet again answer all objections and even this latest infinite series objection that I think started with W. Dale Hall, and you know what?

If he convinced you, then you just are not what you think you are.

The equations x^2 - (3+t)x + 2 = (x - r1(t))*(x - r2(t))


r1(t) = 1 - t + 2t^2 - 6t^3 + 22t^4 - 90t^5 + …

r2(t) = 2 + 2t - 2t^2 + 6t^3 - 22t^4 + 90t^5 - …

when t is an algebraic integer where the two series converge are in the ring of algebraic integers because the functions are roots of a monic polynomial with integer coefficients.

If someone puts up a different infinite series that does not converge in the ring—guess what?

It does not converge in the ring.

Posters routinely lie.

They have to, they're fighting for their egos, which is why when I got published, they immediately trashed the journal, which is why when I answered all their objections, they just kept saying I didn't, which is why when the journal died they acted like that was the most natural thing, hardly worth mentioning at all.

They are fighting to be something they are not—mathematicians, really mathematicians.

They will not give up simply because they have been repeatedly proven wrong.

If they did, then they wouldn't be crackpots.

[A reply to someone who wanted to know who would think a physics degree makes him or her a capable mathematician.]

A degree does not make a mathematician at all.

That's why you can't get it.

You think it's about social crap.

Some person tells you you're a mathematician and you think that's it.

A degree is a social label—information saying that some people believe you are something.

But mathematical proof is beyond society and beyond humanity, standing as an intellectual achievement appreciated by any being who can follow the logic of it.

I present mathematical proof and in retaliation people like you talk about degrees.

You are a crackpot. You know that society supports you in your delusion because most people don't know any better.

Since I have mathematical proof, all you have is—your ability to convince.

These kind of fights have happened throughout human history and before your kind has always lost.

If I lose here, and well I might, then that first may be the last.

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