Friday, September 08, 2006


JSH: Aftermath

Maybe the biggest problem is that many of you don't understand what I'm trying to convince you of, so you overrate your importance and think I'm working hard to make you believe I'm correct.


If I am correct, on my blog is a rather simple approach that could solve the factoring problem and lead to a breakdown in current Internet security.

I don't need you to believe me for that to happen.

So what is the point? Why do I go on and on, trying to convince when proof has failed, and even publication has failed?

Because you need to remember later, this time.

I'm not worried about what you believe now.

I am concerned with what you believe later.

If enough of you become convinced this is somehow my fault, then hey, that could be a problem for me.

I want you to remember that you made a choice, bet on the wrong horse and your choice was what gave you your consequences.

I am not out there making your choices for you.

Anger is a nasty emotion. People who find it hard to think in the first place can find it impossible when gripped by that emotion.

Just remember, you may have deluded yourself into thinking that most of the important stuff was figured out, but later, ask yourself, how could so many people have been so wrong?

Ever hear about how a frog can sit in water that is slowly brought to a boil versus jumping out, as if you do it slowly enough, it can't sense what is happening?

Yet now our entire planet is heating up and the amphibians are dying, going extinct.

There is a kind of weirdness to that, like some weird story, now isn't there?

Even in the subject line of this post, clever? Think so?

What if you just do not quite understand reality the way you think you do?

What if the word "aftermath" came into existence for just this very moment?

History pivots on the next few decades. Everything that has come before for humanity is about what will happen in the next thirty or so years.

How many of you are like frogs? I don't know, and no longer care.

After all, time will tell, quite soon, as every book gets balanced, and every question for humanity gets answered, so that the next step can be reached.

And I think and hope that the next step is the real leap in science and technology that will take us to distant stars, or what was the freaking point?

But I fear many of you will be left behind because this is a world you can't comprehend—a reality you can't fathom because of its logic.

It is so logically precise. And that precision is what can hurt so deeply.

The rules are never broken.

It will be too logical if you live in a human-focused world centered around yourself and your community, where frogs don't just go extinct, with polar bears, quite a few bird species, horse species and probably most primate species as well along with so many others, don't forget plants…so much death.

For many of you, your mind will tell you that the death will not occur because you think you know the limits.

Your illogic is your weakness.

Man is not the measure of all things.

Our time on this planet is running short, and soon we will have to move, or go extinct ourselves.

It doesn't matter if I don't convince you now, as the fix is coming, and the answer is that the people who don't get it, are the people who don't survive, so hey, get it all out now, as soon there will be a lot of quiet.

No more arguing. No more debate. Reality will be doing all the talking.

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