Tuesday, August 29, 2006


JSH: When nothing works

You put up a label "crackpot" and control the world, as math people demonstrate. Just like Bush and company can control a country people use to think they knew with a word like "liberal" and then do so much more with a word like "terrorist".

People need to belong, need to feel they are right, and hate being the one who doesn't get it.

Math people tell you that you get it—as long as you agree with them accept what they say, including who they label.

I stepped into this a naive young man who assumed wrongly what seems like a long time ago that I could use modern problem solving techniques I learned in school—like brainstorming—against old math problems, and so what if I were wrong a lot?

I believed that whenever I finally got something right, people would accept the truth.

But math people will not.

Some of you may think you know about group-think or how low groups can go, but then you can just ignore information like me managing to get a paper published in a peer reviewed math journal, and math people on the sci.math newsgroup going into a rabid fury upon hearing it, some of them managing an email assault which lead to my paper being unceremoniously yanked, and then later the freaking journal just shut down.

And you know what math people say to all of that?

Not a big deal.

Like it happens all the time.

Easy. And you people eat it up because they have the authority and in the real world it is not about the truth, just like how Bush can control a country with two words: "liberal" and "terrorist".

People need to feel like they're not left out, even if deep down they know they are accepting the lie because everyone else is.

Some of you may know that history belongs to people like me, so that later you will be wondered about, maybe even hated, as other people living in a world that accepts that truth you will not, fight to tell themselves they are not you.

Like none of you would say you would fight Newton, or go along with namecalling against Gauss.

But you would. Yes, you would, if the group went after them, like mathematicians have gone after me.

So why do they do it?

Because they can't do what I can do. They can play with numbers for decades and never make the connection that coin flips are like p mod 3 with primes greater than 3.

And it can seem so unfair, but why worry? Why care, when you can attack the person who can make the discoveries, while you make up stuff in random areas.

They have solved the problem.

People like modern mathematicians and Bush and Republicans in this country have solved the problem of pesky truth—forget it!

Tell people what you want them to believe and use those other modern techniques of psychology, where we know it's not really all that modern.

And some of us know they will fail. But before they fail they will do a lot of damage, destroy a lot of dreams, WASTE A LOT OF PEOPLE'S LIVES AND TIME because they wanted to be something they are not.

Hey, maybe I wish I were an Olympic athlete or could boom out homeruns against a major league pitcher, but I am not an Olympic athlete and probably couldn't manage to connect against a fast-ball.

But what if I went to a ballpark, with my cronies, and people just SAID it was a major league pitcher who threw very soft easy pitches that I barely hit even then, and everyone would cheer really loudly and claim it was a homerun!!!

Don't believe that possible? Why would they?

Because one of them gets to bat next, and the world pays them to play at doing nothing, while pretending to be, someone like me.

You people allow this situation to continue. You bear the responsibility for allowing it to go on.

So you will get the judgement of history.

This time, I paint the mathematicians as the victims.

Your society is what created them, fed them into parasitic behavior, and rewarded them for being vicious people who go after discoverers like me, and otherwise, do nothing of value at all.

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