Sunday, July 16, 2006


SF: What can happen, roadmap to my research

There was a story here recently in the United States about a woman killed by falling concrete in what's called the "Big Dig", where her husband escaped. They were just driving people. Neither of them expected one of them to die.

In constrast with my factoring research, if it is correct, some of you can expect a seriously negative impact on your lives.

So why sit like some poor frog in a pot of water that is slowly coming to a boil?

I suggest to you, you sit because it is human nature. In many ways, you are not different from a frog as your mind in this situation can't take the temperature.

You may survive, and someone you love may not, like that husband who escaped, but his wife was crushed, in a situation where they should have been safe.

The real world is an amazing thing. Things happen that you don't think can happen.

I am not a crackpot.

I am a major researcher who stumbled across massive failures within the modern mathematical community and rather than face their failures most of them simply sat, like frogs, waiting for the pot to boil.

Did any of you know that along the way of my research path at one point I contacted Barry Mazur about an argument that was later published in an electronic math journal, which retracted the paper when some sci.math people emailed them, and later the journal died?

Or did you know what when I sent that argument to the Annals of Mathematics in Princeton, and checked back with them six months later I was told that they emailed a rejection five months before, which I never received.

That's Princeton people. Claiming they sent an email is like some kid coming in and claiming that the dog ate his homework.

This story is bigger than any of you, and all of you.

And like that woman, you can find yourself in a situation that you did not ask for, as that's life.

Here's a roadmap of what I think of now as my major research to give you some grasp of what you are up against if you think that you can sit back and wait, as if nothing will happen.

When I say you are a frog, and the water is coming to a boil.

My research speaks for itself.

I have given a definition of mathematical proof:

Figured out the key properties that define rings that are like the ring of integers:

Found my own prime counting function, which unlike any other known relies on summing a partial difference equation, which is also why it finds primes on its own, unlike any other known:

Fighting mathematicians who have done their best to ignore my research I wrote the first prime counting function article for the Wikipedia, where my latest version is now found in the history of the current page:

There readers can see my prime counting function in its fully mathematicized "pure" form, and see how it is a summation, so they can make the leap to understanding how it relates to a partial differential equation and an integration.

I had a paper published in a formally peer reviewed mathematical journal—and then the editors withdrew it after sci.math pressure against it:


Link is to a site mirror as the electronic journal DIED a few months later.

That paper covered some pioneering research advancing modular algebra or the algebra of congruences, extending on the work started by Gauss:

Which is a line of attack I used to find a short proof of Fermat's Last Theorem:

But I've even considered problems in logic and set theory, handling supposed contradictions:



Even some of my minor research is significant, as I talked about a simple way to find primes using quadratic residues:…

The only explanation given the breadth of my research, and dramatic events like a math journal imploding after publishing then retracting a paper of mine is that it is so huge that mathematicians who are living in a political society today—where their word is more important than their research—are fighting a war to deny acceptance of any of it.

If any piece of my research is acknowledged as important from my definition of mathematical proof to my ideas about finding primes then they have to fear that the world will realize what they are doing, so the math wars as I call them are political ones.

It is a fight of group power against mathematical truth.

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