Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Let's play what if, factoring problem stuff

Yesterday I decided to put up my latest factoring ideas, which just came to me Saturday, when I've been searching desperately for something with financial significance because the math community has succeeded in not properly acknowledging my other research.

Well, what if what I presented is correct, and blows the factoring problem apart?

You don't need to know any mathematics to consider the questions in this post, as I'm just wondering as I get more and more bemused by the situation.

Remember, I've gone after the factoring problem to find something mathematicians couldn't ignore, and had lots of failures.

This weekend I had this amazingly simple idea which I think—though I haven't tested it yet—might actually be something of a miracle solution in its simplicity.

I have posted it on Usenet.

Nothing so far has happened.

Does that say anything?

Would it change your opinion of the math community if it turns out I'm right and I could just post a billion dollar plus solution and days go by?

Does it bug you that maybe right now on your forum there is this answer that anyone in the world might use and maybe snoop on your financial transactions over the Internet, or break into your cellphone?

Or do you figure there is just no way in our modern world that could happen that a solution could just be sitting out in plain sight with NO ONE doing anything about it?

I should test it, but I am desperate. If I test it and it doesn't work, I lose hope in an impossible situation. So I consider the idea and the ramifications, but what if I'm just wrong, and that thing is just some crap math?

I test it, and I find out. While I don't have test results, I can speculate, and pose questions.

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