Wednesday, July 12, 2006


JSH: Surprised even me

You people are totally incompetent.

All these years I thought that at some level maybe some of you knew mathematics, but now I see you don't.

I am actually silly enough to still be further disappointed.

You people have no real interest in mathematics.

You are play-acting a role of what you think a mathematician would be like, but if Gauss were alive today, he would not talk to any of you, I am sure.

I was working at hard problems, actually discovering mathematics, so my attention was always somewhat diverted, and the energy I directed against any of you was always muted.

You do not know me, or what I can do. You clearly have no clue about what it is like to face a real mathematician in his own domain.

And now I get to concentrate on taking you apart versus dealing with the hard world of discovery.

And I have no compunctions against repeatedly stripping you all of your illusions.

Remember, part of my goal is to shut down entire math departments.

I need you help to accomplish it. I need you to behave as you are now, as the anti-mathematicians you are.

Without your help in avoiding powerful and simple mathematics, I can't toss out people like Barry Mazur or even Andrew Wiles.

I need your simple faith in social ways against mathematical proof to build the energy.

I need what you are doing now.

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