Sunday, July 23, 2006


JSH: My challenge

The challenge to me was never to destroy any of you, or to break you.

It's not like that's hard.

The challenge to me is not to crush this world.

It's not like that's hard.

The challenge to me is to find the good within so much that I see as wrong.

The challenge to me was always to find within my fears the understanding that I was always fighting myself.

There is not a lot that I can't do in this situation. None of you are hidden. None of you are anonymous.

I have potentially the full resources of the civilized world at my fingertips. The full power of the United States, and Europe, China and Russia among others to find any of you, wherever you may be, anywhere in the world.

The challenge to me is to bring you to the table to accept truth as the highest ideal.

Or, if you will not, to make certain that when there are consequences, no one truly doubts that they are fair.

After all, I am not above you, I am here with you, right here, in the mix, along with everyone else.

I can't just move like a god, destroy what I will, make what I will, without dealing with the consequences myself.

I have more patience than you can understand. So it's not about time.

It's about your readiness.

If necessary, I can wait, wait for this generation to die, and try again, with the next one, or the one after that, as I have all the time I need.

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