Wednesday, August 04, 2004


JSH: Where will you be in 5 years?

Obviously that's a rhetorical question though I'm sure some of you have plans for your future that extend out that far and beyond.

To many of you that may seem like a very long time, but it can be here before you know it, and if you do something today that will ruin your life in five years, what have you really got?

There are posters on sci.math who made a lot of posts a few years back about some of my work, and many who doggedly keep at it, making posts as if it matters if it takes a couple of years or even five years before the truth comes out.

Unless you think you'll be dead in five years, don't play that game.

I'm not in a hurry. I do research, think about lots of things, and submit papers to journals.

Journals are not Usenet, and they are not places where people care if I made you mad, or if it upsets you when I make grand claims.

Oh wait, so one journal did fall apart when pressured by sci.math posters, so what?

There are other journals.

To date Ioannis Argyros has not sent me a real reviewer's report about my paper Advanced Polynomial Factorization as the dirty secret (not secret any more) is that clearly not being able to handle the pressure from emails by sci.math posters Argyros sent me an email claiming my paper had not passed peer review, but included text from W. Dale Hall's post on sci.math the day before, and said that was the reviewer's report.

He lied. The chief editor for Southwest Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics lied about a paper.

And yes, obviously, he doesn't read sci.math or he'd have known that W. Dale Hall posted what he'd emailed.

Yup, Southwest Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics fell apart.

To date no one has found a critical error in my paper, though a while back someone did notice what were basically typos, and I acnowledged that when I realized they were correct.

You see, I do check into claims of error in my work.

I think some of you think that a month goes by, or six months, and you're home free, but that's not how it works.

Five years can go by, and then that day will come, when you are a pariah in the math world because the story will come out, and it won't matter what you did, or how much good you think you did, as your epitaph will be your shame.

That's why I don't get very excited about all of this any more.

Some of you are just destroying your lives, both what you've managed to accomplish and what you may accomplish until that day, when it all comes crashing down, and you are deservedly cast out of math society.

Some of you have dragged in one other person along with you—Ioannis Argyros—but I don't feel sorry for him because he made his choices.

He had the choice to do the right thing.

That paper is at another journal where it has been for the past two months.

That paper is not the only one I have at a journal, and as for journals, let's just say I learned that it was a mistake to use a small, electronic journal, where a chief editor could be so easily controlled.

So yeah, some of you may think it's over, but even if it takes five years, the truth will come out, and then, everything you've done, your whole life, will face a judgement of failure.

On that day, your life in the math world will be over.

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