Wednesday, December 03, 2003


JSH: Not even close

What makes the story here extremely pathetic is that mathematicians can't in any way approach what I showed you in going from a partial difference equation that counts primes, as they don't have one, to a continuous function.

If they can, I'd like to see anyone post a demoonstration like mine.

I wouldn't be surprised if rank and arrogant posters try to attack that posting, but pay careful attention to what they say, and remember, despite it's gloried history, nothing even close to that has been possible with anything that mathematicians have discovered that counts primes in recorded human history.

That more than anything else is what you can use to realize that I have a first-find and a significant one, as nothing they have can approach what can be done with my discovery.

Mathematicians are here flat on their backs and not even in the ballpark.

So why would they fight such a discovery?

Good question.

Any ideas?

Mathematicians aren't even close, yet they keep posturing and fighting against mathematics itself.

If they continue, mathematics will destroy them.

Isn't that ironic, don't you think?

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