Sunday, December 07, 2003


JSH: Consider

If you do a Google Search on my name "James Harris" and math, like you put in "James Harris" math, you'll currently see a link to coming up third, and I don't know how many of you know that site is run by a guy named Erik Max Francis who used to be a regular sci.math poster.

I want you to do that search, look at what he has on me, and please explain to me exactly why this person is calling me names, like, what makes me a crackpot.

Can any of you go there to what he has and tell me what's supposed to be so bad about what I'm doing?

Some people talk about going to look for something like an important math result, and others try quietly. So I talk about my efforts on Usenet.

What's so wrong with that? Why do I rate such an intense and active reaction from the math community?

Why do mathematicians and math groupies spend so much time and effort, create webpages, etc. to bother with my attempts at finding some important math?

What gives?

Can any of you explain their behavior to me?

I'm curious.

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