Saturday, December 21, 2002


JSH: FLT withdrawal while I think

Well, I've been thinking a bit about Magidin's non monic work and it still looks solid so I'm going to withdraw my claims of having proven Fermat's Last Theorem while I think about it.

Yes, it does pain me somewhat, but the truth is what's important, and while his work looks right, though I can't see what could be wrong with mine, I must allow the possibility.

If I am indeed wrong, then I apologize here to Magidin, though he sure looked like he was lying a lot, but I guess maybe he wasn't.

As for mathematicians, I still think this "pure math" thing is really just code for work for nothing, and is welfare, as it bothers me that Wiles could work for seven years hiding what he was actually doing, but I guess that's humanity's problem.

I'm just one little guy who had his dreams of fame and fortune dashed.

Oh well, I can join the big crowd, as it often seems like everybody is trying to get famous these days. Oh well, I was looking for easy money with FLT and all I got were headaches.

And I must say that you people are some of the meanest I've ever encountered.

It didn't much matter to most of you what was used, as robot programs, stalking, racial slurs, etc., seemed like fair play to most of you.

Then again, I must say that I kind of respect such nastiness. You mathematicians are a really twisted bunch. It was always interesting to see just how much you'd tolerate from people attacking me, and there were NO limits whatsoever. You people would tolerate any kind of attack!!!

At least I was right about that, as I had a feeling about mathematicians.

Well that's all for now. I'm hoping I can find a way to recover the FLT work, as I still can't find an error with what I have, but I can quit talking about it, and withdraw the webpage while I think.

And I'm sure that the newsgroup will stay true to its evil self, as you are the Devil's children if I've ever seen any.

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