Saturday, August 26, 2000



I'm usually against using derogatory terms to characterize people, but I find it useful to mention to you when certain people's derogatory terms accurately describe them.

Now, I've been called a troll (an attention seeker I think it is, as in trolling for attention or something) more than once.

And, in fact, I made a rather nice post in response that can probably be found with a deja search using my name, "troll", and "what me troll".

What's extraordinary to me now is how many people who like to do the namecalling are so obviously trolls themselves as shown by their responses to my posts.

I'm talking about the people who day, after day, after day respond to my posts. (They freak me out folks.)

And, they make long threads in reply to my posts, mainly talking to each other, because I lost interest in talking to most of them a long time ago.

Hardly anyone else even replies to my posts, so it's obvious enough that their claims of protecting others is just an excuse, and a rather poor one at that.

Now, I've been rather tolerant of them, and I admit that I've egged them on at times because they give me an indication of how much attention I'm getting.

I know that if you are paying attention to me, then they will be posting too.

Oops, am I admitting to being a troll?

Well, which one of you posts in the hope that no one will pay attention to you?

Now, I'm trying to bring your attention to an important mathematical result.

And, lest you forget, I did solve FLT for odd primes p>3, and I've explained how many times.

For those of you who find the explanation difficult, but are curious, I've asked you to ask your fellow mathematicians a simple question.

Just ask them for the expression for p=5.

They'll probably know what you mean just from that.

Oh yeah, that reply I mentioned at the start. It was to Lynn Killingbeck. Her name will probably help the search as well. She's had some recent posts in some threads I started as well, and I daresay she might want to look in the mirror before calling other people names.

But that's the problem now, isn't it?

The kind of people who call other people names don't look in the mirror.

Everything is wrong with everybody else, right?

I'm sure you know what I'm talking about people. Like you, I deal with it and move on.

But everyone once in a while, I comment about it, like I've done today.

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